Chapter - 1

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A car stopped in front of a gate. A young girl sitting on the driving seat asked the security who seemed to be a middle-aged man.

The girl observed him from head to toe. The security was not much tall but had a good physique. He had a thick moustache.

"My name is Pallavi Ramachandran. I am from The Final Edge".

She took out her id but the security stopped her and allowed her inside. She stepped out of the car and walked towards the door. She ringed the calling bell and waited for the door to open. Moments later, a lady opened the door.

"Hi, I am Pallavi from..."

"Please come in madam. Doctor is waiting for you." said the lady and moved aside for Pallavi to enter.

"You can go up to the balcony. He will be there."

"Ok thank you."

Pallavi climbed the stairs and reached the first floor. She saw a tall and handsome man standing at the balcony and walked towards him.

"Hi Good morning sir, I am Pallavi".

He turned and greeted her.

"Good morning Pallavi. Take your seat."

He pointed towards a chair near him. She settled down and he sat opposite to her.

"Are you ready sir?"

"Yes and don't call me sir. Call me Ahaan. I am comfortable with that." said Ahaan smiling.

"Ok, so Ahaan. This is an exclusive interview as I told you the other day. Now you are tagged as a hero who saved the life of a four-year-old girl named Naira. Tell me your experience." said Pallavi taking a fresh page of her notepad.

"Well, this was the first time I did a heart transplant surgery. I have been working as a cardiologist for the past 3 years. Usually, senior cardiologists take such risk but unfortunately, one doctor was not available. So the senior cardiologist Dr Shekar told me to help him."

"So Ahaan how was your reaction? I mean you got surprised or shocked?"

"Both. I tried to escape but Dr Shekhar was adamant. So I couldn't do anything but to obey him."

"And then?"

"Then the most unfortunate thing happened. The family of the donor stepped back. They weren't willing to donate the heart of their dead father. And Naira's condition was very critical. Her parents cried in front of us. They thought that their hopes are fading away. But all we could do that time was to console them. But deep inside our mind, we all were hopeless."

"Then what happened?"

"One of my cousins told me to spread the news about Naira. We were struggling to get a donor and he suggested this. I discussed it with my seniors and decided to do it. I made a video requesting for a donor and my cousin uploaded it on social media. For one day we didn't get any news. But the second day, the miracle happened. One deceased person's family contacted us and told us that they are willing to donate their daughter's heart for Naira. Their daughter Vidya died in a car accident one day before. We all became happy. Naira's father contacted Vidya's parents and thanked them. So finally one mission accomplished."

"Good. And the second mission was the riskiest right?"

"Yes. We need to bring the heart for the surgery. So bringing the organ through road was difficult coz our city is well known for its traffic jams. We contacted the driver of the vehicle. He along with two health care workers decided to bring it here. So in order to avoid traffic, we again informed the public about this journey. Luckily the people supported us by waiting patiently on roads for the vehicle to pass. They reached the hospital without any delay. Naira was already shifted to the OT and everything was arranged. After receiving it, we immediately began the surgery."

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