Chapter - 2

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"Neela where is my coffee. Bring it fast."

"I am coming Jay." responded Neela.

Jayshankar sat on the chair and took the newspaper to read. Neela came with a cup of coffee and placed it on the dining table.

"Jay come and have your coffee."

Jayshankar looked up from the newspaper and smiled at his wife. He got up from the chair and walked towards the dining table. He pulled out the chair and sat on it. He sipped the coffee and continued reading. Neela too joined him.

"How is the coffee?" asked Neela.

"It's the world's best coffee."

Neela and Jayshankar laughed. She knows that her husband is a coffee addict and loves to have the coffee made by her for infinite times. She loves the compliments she receive from Jayshankar for everything she does.

"Where is Ahaan? Not yet ready?" asked Jayshankar looking at the clock.

"I am here dad."

Ahaan smiled and took their blessings. He sat beside his father and started to have his breakfast.

"Ahaan what did you decide? Are you ok with the alliance?" asked Neela expecting a positive response from her son.

"Mom let me complete one year. I am still adjusting with the new atmosphere. So I need more time."

"But it will take a long time Ahaan. You have to settle down one day." said Jayshankar looking at Ahaan.

"I know dad. I won't disappoint you both by living like a bachelor. But give me some time. First I have to stand on my legs. I need to be financially stable. So more time is needed. Till then don't come up with any alliances."

Jay and Neela looked at each other realising that there is no point in telling further. Ahaan finished his breakfast and got up to go to the washroom. Moments later, he was ready to go for his work. He said goodbye to his parents and headed towards the JJ HOSPITAL where he is working as a cardiologist for the past four months.

Ahaan is slow at adjusting with everything new for him. During his school life, he became comfortable only after completing the 2nd grade. It took almost one and a half year for him to adjust with the college rules and regulations. But he becomes friendly with everyone so quickly and that's the only plus point in his life that he is proud of.

He entered the parking area of the hospital which was meant only for doctors. It is somewhat away from the parking area of the visitors. He stepped out of the car and locked the car. He passed through the entrance after smiling broadly at the security. One his way to the consulting room, he greeted the  doctors and other staff members who wished him back with a gentle smile on each one's face.

Ahaan opened the door of his cabin and saw the nurse arranging the bed.

"Good morning Kirti."

"Morning doctor."

"How are you?"

"As usual doctor."

He sat on the chair. Kirti went out of the room. He joined his palms and murmured a prayer and did a breathing exercise. He felt very much relaxed. Kirti slowly opened the door and he told her to come inside.

"Call the first patient."

Kirti called out the name of the first patient. A middle aged woman along with a young boy who seemed to be her son entered the room. Ahaan told them to sit and enquired about the lady's health state and noted down on the paper. He checked her and prescribed some medicines and told her to come after two weeks. They left his room after thanking him.

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