chapter two

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Waking up I think to last night. Had I really offered the Kylo Ren to be my new toy? I wonder what was going through his head. Would he even accept the offer? He was the Supreme Leader, he wouldn't give up his power just like that to you, would he? A part of me regretted offering him this, the other part of me was hoping he would accept so you could break him down. I knew deep down inside of him he was just a scared little thing. "Just like you were" the small voice in the back of my head said. I shook my head pushing the voice deep were dark times you did what you had to survive. Groaning I finally got my ass out of bed to get ready to meet with the guys and inform them of the mission that we would be going on in few days.

"Ah, I see everyone is here on time for once. Everyone please sit we have a few things to discuss before we start training." All of them sat around the table in the corner of the training room and listen intently as I spoke. It had been ages since we had gotten to go on a mission or seen battle. After the fall of the resistance there wasn't too much trouble in the galaxy in fear of what the order would do if they were to rise up against them. "We all know there hasn't been much going on since Kylo took the thrown over but now there is a planet out there that has been rumored to be planning a rebellion, which in my opinion is stupid. But we are to go and settle these people down and restore their faith in the order and if we cannot restore their faith we have orders to destroy the planet and take no prisoners. This is not a vacation, this is a mission. We must show these people who we are and why we are the best fighters. The rest of the government thinks we are just some savages that we serve the order no purpose that we do not deserve to be here." I look at my men and see the excitement in their eyes. I'm not going to lie I was pumped too. "Alright are there any questions?" I get six head shakes "Well then, let's get to training. Who's first?" Ap'lek smirks and steps up to the mat.

Training was as fun as it always was but this time you ended up pinned to the mat. "Okay, Okay that's it for today. Clean up and you guys can get on with your day." Tapping away at my data pad at the table the room clears out and I'm left all alone. There were no boring meetings to attend to today so the rest of the day was mine was to do as I pleased.

Exiting the training wing I made my way to the on base seamstress. It was time for some new battle wear. Unlike the other Knights of Ren I didn't wear a mask or helmet. It interfered with my fighting abilities. "Well what a lovely surprise! Octavia it's been too long my dear, how are you?" the small frail man said. "I've been okay, I'm going on a mission in a few days and I wanted some new stuff to wear. You up to the challenge?" "For you dear, always. Did you have something in mind?" He said whipping out a tape measure and went to town taking measurements and writing them down. "You know I have no idea what I want, just anything that looks good and allows me to move around." "Ah yes, yes. I will take care of this and will have it delivered to your quarters before you leave." "Thank you Xzavier."

Well that was one thing down. What else could I do to pass the time it was only 1400. Maybe I could go find Hux and bother him.

I walk to the other side of the base to find him in his office rubbing his temples, he looked stressed. "Octavia this is not the time." "Oh but it is. Whatcha doing?" "I'm trying to deal with the Supreme Leaders orders. He's a stressful man child. What do you need from me?" he sighs looking back at the screen in front of him. "I was bored, but you're just boring me more." "Why don't you go find Nyx and introduce yourself to her?" Hux says briefly looking up from the screen. "Fine."

I arrived at the door Hus said was Nyx's and give it a light knock. I heard a soft melody like voice say to hold on for a moment. A small thin blonde girl opens the door. She looked just about my age and the complete opposite of me with her small frame and short blonde hair. She was cute, I could see why Hux liked this one. "Hello I'm Octavia, you must be Nyx. I'm a friend of Hux." "Oh my god you're the famous Octavia he talks about all the time. It is an honor to meet you finally!" Wow someone is very bubbly, that cloud get annoying. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out I had nothing other to do and Hux was too busy for me today?" I said with hope in my voice. "I would love to I was just heading out, there's a shuttle leaving soon to a nearby planet I was going to go shopping if you'd like to join me." Smiling at her she grabs my arm and drags me to one of the docks.

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