chapter eight

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I woke up startled when I heard the loud bang coming from my kitchen area. "Sorry! I just dropped a pan." Poe said popping his head into my room. "How do you like your eggs?" Poe asked. "Scrambled and coffee please." I asked yawning what time was it anyway? I got dressed and met Poe at the kitchen table. "You're very cheery for someone who just got told he has to work for the people that he spent years fighting against." I said as I sipped my coffee. "I see this as a new opportunity to restart my life." God he was a happy little ray of sunshine that could get annoying.

We walked into the training room and all eyes were on us. "Who's your new little friend? Did you bring us a new toy to play with?" Ushar asked as he circled around Poe. "Ushar down. This is Poe. He is not a toy, hes new to the base so be nice. Now dont we have a training session to start?" I start the session with some warmups on the brain rather than the physical body. Our minds were just as important as our physical strengths. The knights were doing extremely well with the exercises. Poe sat quietly in the corner and observe our session. His eyes bounced from knight to knight, I could tell he was surprised that the knights looked like normal people and werent hideous. I smirked at the thought, the knights wore their helmets to strike the fear of god into their victims, noting like a faceless beast ending your life. "You guys are doing great, take a lap around the ship and be back here for physical training." The knights filed out of the training room and started on their run, I usually use this time to set up but I took this time to check on Poe and to see if there was any news about Kylo returning.

Hux: Kylo will be arriving around 1500, bring the pilot to interrogation room C before then.

Octavia: Yessir I will take him there as soon as I am done training with the knights.

The knights arrived back within 15 minutes and I had them start combat training with each other. "Here try doing this." I showed Ap'lek the new move. I had him try it again and again until he got the hang of it. I remember when I first started training with the knights, none of them listened to me, and they barely even respected me. Once I had finally proven to them that I meant business they started listening. They finally saw me as their superior. "Alright, who wants a piece of this first?" Vicrul stepped up first as always. The rest of them fell into line awaiting their turn. I took my sabers off of my belt clip and ignited them. "Ah I see Master Ren gave you your gift." "Yes he did before my mission, now if you dont mind I would like to kick your ass." I said as we circled around waiting for one another to strike first. I got bored of waiting and made my attack first, he blocked it and started fighting back. Memories of what happened flooded my brain and it fueled my strength. I started fighting harder and Vic struggled to block my blows. I swung one last time and knocked Vic down to the ground. He threw his hands up in defeat and I smiled. Im back. I look back at the rest of the guys and wave them on. They all come at me weapons ready. I fought them all at once laying them all out one at a time.

"Anyone else want to go another round?" I question, adrenalin pumping through my veins. None of them took the offer so I dismissed them for the rest of the day. I look at my watch and see that Kylo would be arriving soon, that meant it was time to take Poe to the interrogation room. "Poe lets go. Supreme Leader Ren will arriving soon, and I have orders to bring you to him." Poe got up and started following me towards the interrogation room. I strapped him to the chair and waited outside for Kylo to come.

The temperature seemed to drop on the ship as the light started to flicker. Ah there he is. I head the heavy boots make their way down the long hallway to where I was. I looked up and was met by the masked man. "Good afternoon Supreme Leader. I have brought the pilot to you and he seems to be adjusting well." He didn't even look at me, he just dismissed me and told me to leave. I had to follow my orders so I left, he would be hearing about this later.

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