Chapter 21

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Essence p.o.v

I woke up I was naked and zion was on top of me thrusting in and out of me. I was so weak I couldn't do anything but cry. I finally got up enough strength and I punched and clawed at his face. I begin to yell and scream for anyone to help me but nobody came.

"Girl shut the hell up " zion said chocking me.

"Just stop please it hurts can you please stop?"I said trying to talk I could bearly breath.

He started to smirk he when faster and harder causeing a agonising pain then he soon releasted and got off me.

"You better not say shit to nobody I mean nobody or I swear I will kill you" he said trying to kiss me I moved my head. He chuckled and slapped me cross my face leaving a stinging sensation behind..

Then he grabbed me face kissing me trying to ass tongue. He pulled away and I ran to the bathroom. I turned on the shower.

Shakey p.o.v.

I been having a bad feeling all day I honestly dont know what it is. Its starting to make my stomach turn and I really wanna know what it is. I cant put my finger on it but im bound to find out sooner or later. But right now im headed to Essence house something been telling me to check up on her.

I got to Essence house I knocked on the door nobody answered so I twisted the door knob and it was unlocked. I walked into the house it was quiet and the living room was a mess snacks, pillows, and movies everywere. When Essence alone the tends to mess up stuff.

"Essence"I called walking upstairs to her room were I heard the shower running...

I knocked on the door no answer.

  "Essence"I said knocking on the bathroom door.

"Shakey leave gone somewere I wonna be alone" she said sounded like she been crying

"Essence whats wrong babygirl"I asked her.

"You now get away from my room, and my house" she said yelling..

I just shook my head and left I dont got time to be dealing with this crazy ass girl. I mean I miss her I have been trying with her all she keep doing is pushing me away..

I know I cheated I know I fucked up I apologized its not much more I can do.

Essence p.o.v.

Its been 3 weeks since I left my room. I havent been going to school because im not comfortable around people I feel like they are all laughing at me or starring.  I feel so damn dirty all the time all I doo is stress. Iv been avoiding my dad and brothers if they see these bruises all hell is gonna brake loose.

The bruises aren't that noticeable but they are still there and I dont feel comfortable round people. I sit in in my room eat, sleep, and puke. 

Right now im just sitting in bed watching tv. My stomach started cramping my period is late probably from me stressing so much..

I just got a sharp pain in my stomach. I think its just cramps  I got up off my bed to go to the bathroom. My legs are so weak I fell the ground the pains are growing stronger. I felt blood running down my leg and everything went black.

Shakey p.o.v.

I haven't talked to Essence in about 3 weeks. I am tired of this foolishness between us I miss her and im ready to make things right between us. She hasn't been answering my calls nor text so I decided to pop up on her Big J also asked me to check in on her he left for a business trip this morning.

He was hella mad about what I did to her. He shot me in ny shoulder then soon apologized for it. But I understood I hurt his daughter.

I got to Essence house the door was locked I was finna knock but I remembered I had a key Big J gave me. I came Inside was clean im guessing the maid came bye.

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