chapter 16

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A/N: The More Votes I Get The More Updates you Get.



Lastnight I got to spend alone time with my baby. We chilled I like being round him. But we was playing Michel Jackson Experience

He beat my ass because of luck.

He was bein extra as hell moonwalking cross the floor and shit..


Its sunday morning I was just waking up I checked the time on my phone.
I noticed I had a text from my uncle he wanted to take me and Shakey out to breakfast this morning.
I text back he said he'll be coming at ten. Its only eight so I decided to lay back down.

I woke back up and it was nine-twenty I hopped up out the bed and went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and wash my face.
I walked back to the bed to wake shakey up I planted slobbery kisses all over his face untill he woke up.

He was mean mugging the hell out of me.
He blew his beath in my face I swear my nose hairs melted and I lost my sence of smell.
His breath was foul it smelled like something died in his mouth.


he mean mugged me and did as I said.

"Guh why the hell you waking me up so early in nine in the morning"he said in his grouchy morning voice.

Witch is sexy to me be making me feel sometypa way.

"Well my uncle wanna take us out to breakfast so get ready he will be here at ten-thirty." I said

I know my uncle said ten but he always thirty minutes late to something.
It never failes he was even thirty minutes late to my moms funeral typa shit is that?

That nigga will be thirty minutes late to his own funeral if it was possible shaking my head.

"Ight I need some clothes ill run home and get dressed so you get ready guhh ill lock the door on my way out" he said holding me by my waist.

He kissed me and left I grabbed my towel and headed towards the tub.

I ran me a hot bubble bath and relaxed for a little.
I rinsed the off the left over bubbles that was left on me then got out.

I rapped my towel around me and then walked into my room Shakey scared the hell out of me I didn't know he was back.

I dropped the towel he started to lick his lips and walk towards me.

I sarted to back up only to get back into a corner with no way out.

Once I was back against the wall he started to whisper something into my neck.

The heat from his breath sent shivers down my spine instantly making my lady moist.

He started to kiss my neck and rub on my clique causing me to let out a moan.

Then he slipped one finger in my wet cave I can feel him smirk against my neck.

I started to move in and out causing me to through my head back and moan louder.

He slid his fingers out my cave and put them in his mouth and smiled at me.

"Now finish getting dressed" he said walking out my room leaving me there speechless and horny..

I did as he said I lotioned my body then walked over to my dresser and pulled out my black maxi skirt, black and white with a neon zipper down the front with a sweet heart neck line strapless shirt, and some neon sandals.

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