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Seo Yujin was walking down the halls with everyone staring at her admiring her glamour, she was always the perfect girl in everyone's eyes, everyone including the meanest teachers were in love with her. Yujin made the girls gay for her and gays straight for her she was a big heartthrob in her school.

Meanwhile, Jeonghan was just a normal kid attending school with his friends Seungcheol, Seungkwan, and their American friend Joshua. Unlike the rest of the school, Jeonghan hated everything about Yujin, he would always roll his eyes and show his annoyance whenever she passes by or does anything he would feel blood running through his veins like he just wants to knock her out.

"Yujin can you please help me with my homework?" "Sure!" some boys would randomly ask her to help them with the homework just because they want to spend more time with her, Yujin wanted to keep her image the same so she always says yes and helps them with the homework the girl never once refused lending a hand to someone that needs help. That was also one of the reasons the teachers loved her.

"sUrE" Jeonghan mocked Yujin as she passed him to go to the library, " I still don't know why you hate her so much" " I know right she's so cute and feminine" Seungkwan and Joshua said fanboying over the heartthrob.

"I don't understand why you like her? She's clearly faking her personality" Jeonghan continued in anvery annoyed tone as the boys just laughed at this side of him
"That's mean hannie you shouldn't say that" seungcheol added to the conversation looking up from his phone laughing at his idiot friends. Suddenly a familiar male voice interrupted their conversation " Seungkwan did you do the assignment I told you to do?" they all looked up to see the class president of their class looking at seungkwan waiting for an answer, seungkwan let out a nervous laugh and then looked at the CP "Sorry Jihoon I forgot" their class president just rolled his eyes mumbling some stuff to himself then walking away clearly not happy with seungkwan's answer.

"Wah how can a 5'5ft boy be so scary" Seungkwan complained causing the boys to start laughing "Well good luck smart boy, let's go to class" Seungcheol said walking down the hall to their class with the rest of the group following him.

That was something
This is my first time writing here so i hope you liked it <3
Thanks For Reading

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