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A few weeks later, Jeonghan and yujin have been hanging out together more often, chatter and laughter always filling the room whenever they're together. They definitely have gotten much closer not only jeonghan and yujin, but yujin and jeonghan's friends too.

Right now, jeonghan and yujin we're together in jeonghan's room working on a project together when jeonghan's mother walked inside the room after knocking, both of yujin and jeonghan shifted their attention from their project to the person that was standing at the door, "Jeonghan, yujin some guests are in the living room and I want you to meet them" jeonghan's mom said with an excited smile on her face, jeonghan and yujin nodded as a response

Eventually, the three made their to the living room, but yujin let out a gasp and covered her mouth with her hand when she saw the person that was sitting in the living room, "M-mom" yujin said with a hint of guilt in her voice

The person she was looking at turned and looked at the direction of the voice with wide eyes "Yujin? What are you doing here?" "You know each other?" jeonghan's mom asked confused and yujin nodded "She's my m-mom" jeonghan looked at yujin with concern, he already knew why yujin was being like this towards her mom and family members

"What are you doing here dear? You told me you'll be staying at your apartment today and work on a project" her mom asked confused "What do you mean apartment? She's staying here cause she doesn't have a place to stay" jeonghan facepalmed, his mom just had to say this and ruin everything, Mrs.seo started laughing at what jeongnan's mom said "Don't be silly Mrs.yoon, her uncle gave one of his apartments from his building"

"Actually mom..." yujin spoke with guilt "Uncle kicked me out of the apartment..but jeonghan was there to help me! He gave me a pl-" yujin's words were cut off by her mother slapping her across her face causing Mrs.yoon to gasp and jeonghan's eyes to widen, yujin felt a sharp pain in her right cheek and put her hand on it "D-did you just..slap me?"

"How could not tell me all this time?! And how could you stay at a random guy's place?! How long has this been going on? Was I the only that didn't know-" she raised her hand about to hit yujin again when jeonghan stood in front her taking the slap instead of yujin, all three of the people that were in the room were in shock of jeonghan's actions

"J-jeonghan" yujin put her hand on the back of his shoulder still shook, "I-i'm sorry jeonghan I-" Mrs.seo stammered but jeonghan cut her off by talking "Please don't blame yujin for this" he looked down "I found her alone in the rain after getting kicked out, she was scared and didn't know what to do, she was crying I couldn't just leave her alone so I forced her to come stay with me" yujin was trying to stop him but his mother held her back and let him continue

"I don't know why I wanted to help her, but for some reason, it just felt right. I'm sorry if my actions upset you but yujin did nothing wrong so please don't let your anger out on her" jeonghan ended his long speech and looked at yujin's mom, her eyes were soft "Do you like yujin, jeonghan?" both the mom's asked at the same time causing jeonghan and yujin both to choke on air, both mom's then started laughing

After a while, everyone claimed down and went back to what they were doing, Mrs.seo forgave yujin and told her she'll talk to her uncle about the apartment and thanked jeonghan for taking care of her dear daughter, meanwhile all jeinghan was thinking about after that happened was..

𝘿𝙤 𝙞 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙪𝙟𝙞𝙣?

Another confusing chapter : ))
Hope you liked it <3

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