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Everyone was in the room waiting for their teacher to finish his long lecture, the boys were planning on going to jeonghan's house after school for their usual gathering, every week they would have a small gathering with the four of them in one of their houses and this week happened to be jeonghan's turn.

Soon later the teacher ended his lecture and as if on cue the bell rang causing everyone to quickly leave the class before their teacher says anything more.

Seungkwan put his arm around jeonghan's shoulder and said "Is the food ready or do we need to get that like last time?" jeonghan was confused but then quickly realized what seungkwan was talking about "shit" he said barely audible but seungkwan heard him "you forgot?!" jeonghan scratched the back of his head "Sorry  I don't think I'll be able to let you guys come to my house" jeonghan said nervous that they might start asking him questions, "It's okay we'll bring the food and stuff you don't need to do anything" seungcheol said giving jeonghan a reassuring smile but it was the total opposite, all that jeonghan is thinking about right now is what to do with the homeless girl that's staying in his house.

Jeonghan knew that there was no way he could convince his friends to change the hangout spot so he had to think quickly to at least distract them until he talks to yujin, jeonghan's eyes then lit up when he finally found a way to make things not go wrong or at least he hoped for it to not go wrong, "Fine I'll go get the house ready and everything you go bring the food and the stuff we need" jeonghan quickly pushed the boys away from him and ran outside to look for yujin leaving the boys confused "he's definitely hiding something and I really want to know what it is".

"Yujin!" jeonghan called grabbing the girl's hand taking her to the back of the school where no one was "I need to tell you something" "okay..?" yujin said utterly confused, jeonghan quickly explained to the girl what was going on and after he finished explaining he took a deep breath clearly tired of talking so much and then looked at yujin to see her reaction

Yujin suddenly started laughing "What so funny?" jeonghan asked puzzled by the girl'a sudden outburst "nothing I just find you acting like this really cute" she smiled and pinched both jeonghan's cheeks causing him to chuckle a little but then he snapped out of it quickly remembering that he still needs to do something about the situation he's in

"What should we do now?" jeonghan asked yujin who just simply said, "tell them that we live together" jeonghan's expression changed to an unamused look "seriously? They'll ask why, do you really want to tell them", yujin went closer to jeonghan and said "tell them what? That you saved me from freezing to death in the rain though you hate me?" She smirked seeing how flustered jeonghan got "H-how did you know I hated you?" yujin let out a chuckle at jeonghan's question," You think I don't notice when you roll your eyes every time you see me?" jeonghan looked down feeling bad and regretting his past actions " I'm sorry"

"It's okay it's not a big deal anyway since you made up for it by giving me a place to stay" yujin innocently smiled at jeonghan, he suddenly felt the urge to just pull her into a tight hug but he thought it would be weird so he didn't

"Let's just go home I don't care if they see us anyway" jeonghan said making yujin confused by his sudden change in mind "you sure?" "yes, now let's go before I change my mind again" "yes sir!" jeonghan rolled his eyes playfully as the two of them walked to the bus stop.

Thanks for reading💚

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