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Next morning, jeonghan woke up to some crashing sounds coming from the kitchen, he rubbed his eyes sitting up them realized that yujin wasn't in bed "What did she do this time?" jeonghan let out a groan before running to the kitchen.

"Oh did I wake you up?" yujin said looking at jeonghan while holding a frying pan in her hands as if she's rapunzel "What are you doing?" jeonghan said in a sleepy voice with an 'i'm so done with you' expression on his face "I was about to make breakfast but I saw a cockroach and I tried to kill it" yujin explained, "with a frying pan?" jeonghan face palmed himself as yujin slowly set the frying pan down on the counter and smiled sheepishly.

"Just go get ready for school and leave the cooking for the people who can cook" yujin quickly nodded and ran to his room but then came back again "what?" "I don't have any clothes" Jeonghan sighed "Just go take something from my closet" yujin nodded and skipped to the room leaving jeonghan in the kitchen "I should clean up before mom comes" he sighed and started cleaning the mess yujin made.

-Time Skip-
Jeonghan's sister parked the car a little bit further from the school gates as jeonghan told her, "You get out first" jeonghan told yujin "why though?" "Cause I don't anyone to see us together, also don't tell anyone you live with me if you do I'll seriously kick you out" yujin sighed and got out the car walking to school, it wasn't a long walk though so she arrived quickly, minutes later jeonghan got out the car thanking his sister then made his way to school.

Once he walked inside, he saw his friends standing together "Jeonghan!" seungcheol called waving at jeonghan as jeonghan made his way to them "Goodmorning" they smiled at him as a response, but jeonghan noticed that they all looked a little suspicious as if they were speaking about him before he came "Were you talking about me?" "We're sorry" Joshua said in regret looking down "We were just worried about what happened yesterday" he continued

Jeonghan then remembered what happened yesterday at the cafeteria with yujin, it's not like he forgot but he just pushed aside for a little bit, "It's okay I talked to her about it and she apologized" "What happened between you two anyway?" jeonghan got a little flustered by the question but still answered confidently "She doesn't want anyone to know" "Oh come on you know we won't tell anyone" seungkwan nudged jeonghan wanting to know what happened "Ugh fine! She went to the boys' bathroom" the three gasped and covered their mouths "Don't tell me you...saw her?" Jeonghan's eyes widened knowing what the younger was referring to "What?! No!" The younger then started laughing at the older reaction "Okay calm down" "Oh my god are you blushing? Hannie is blushing" all the three boys started laughing teasing the now blushing jeonghan "Yah! s-stop!".

Anyways as always thanks for reading💚

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