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-Time Skip-
< Lunch Time >
Jeonghan just finished eating as his friends were still eating. "Why is she eating so much?" jeonghan said a little disgusted by the amount of food the girl was eating, every time she finished a plate the boys around her would give her another one and she takes it happily and continues eating, the girls always ask her how she eats so much yet never gains weight and her answer would always be "My body is just like that, it burns fat quickly" obviously jeonghan never believed but he doesn't care much anyway.

"I'm going to the bathroom, bye" Jeonghan got up and made his way to the bathroom. After he was done he started washing his hands like a normal person would do, when a girl suddenly ran inside the male's bathroom into one of the stalls locking it. Jeonghan didn't give it much thought and dried his hands, but stopped when he heard the girl throwing up? He quickly knocked on the bathroom stall and asked if she was okay, but he got no response instead the girl continued what she was doing then got out of the stall and washed her hands and mouth like nothing just happened.

Jeonghan then realized who the girl was and let out a mocking chuckle "So this is how you eat so much and 'not gain weight'" Yujin looked at jeonghan with a fake smile "I don't understand what you're saying jeonghan" she let out a fake chuckle after, "Don't act fake I already know you're fake" Yujin's face changed so did her voice once he said that and turned to a cold and blank face "Great you already know".

"Will you tell me not to tell anyone now? You know like the movies" Jeonghan mocked and leaned his body on the wall "No they won't believe you anyways why bother" "See you later jeonghan!" Yujin smiled at him putting her fake face again leaving the male's bathroom. Jeonghan rolled his eyes in disgust at her fake character and went back to his friends' table at the cafeteria.

"Yah, what took you so long?" Seungcheol asked Jeonghan who still had pissed off face, "Something annoying happened with that fake idiot" he said rolling his eyes once more before opening his phone. "Really? What happened?" "C'mon hannie tell us" Joshua and seungkwan whined wanting to know what happened to their friend as Jeonghan just ignored them and continued scrolling on his phone.

Suddenly someone sat beside Jeonghan and said something which caused everyone to be in shock. "Babe where did you go? I looked for you everywhere!" Jeonghan looked at her and gave her a 'are you kidding me' expression
"Babe? Hannie you're dating Yujin?!" seungkwan gasped as the other two of his friends covered their mouths, Jeonghan was still so pissed at what she just said he didn't have words "Yeah we're dating! Did Hannie not tell you? Aish you're so silly sometimes" Hyemi let out a sweet chuckle and clung onto one of jeonghan's arms causing her body to touch his arm.

Jeonghan was done with the Yujin was acting, he pushed her off him getting up from his place and gave her an angry expression "We're not dating cause I won't ever date a fake person that lies to the people around her for attention" he rushed out the cafeteria leaving everyone in more shock and confusion.

Of course, seungcheol being a good friend ran after him and stopped him from walking by grabbing his arm "Jeonghan calm down and explain to me what just happened" Jeonghan sighed and turned to look at his friend "Something happened between the two of us and she wants to cover it up that's all" "don't ask any more questions please" Jeonghan fake smiled at seungcheol and walked away to the class leaving seungcheol worried for his friend.

Thanks for reading
For anyone asking if hyemi and yujin are the same people, yes they are. Past me decided the protagonist's name should be hyemi at first but then changed it to yujin and forgot to edit the past chapter. I'm sorry ><

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