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It was... Seo Yujin
Jeonghan wanted to walk away but he wasn't that mean so he stayed and asked "What are you doing here? And why are you crying?" his tone less sweet and soft but still was a little comforting to the crying girl, he soon helped her up and they walked to the small tables at the convenience store. "Can you hurry and answer me? I don't have all day" jeonghan was getting impatient with the girl in front of him but still continued to wait since he had to cause he wanted to know why the girl was crying, not because he was curious but just suspicious.

"The b-building owner k-kicked me out of m-my apartment" yujin stuttered trying to hold back the rest of the tears from streaming down her face, "you live alone?" jeonghan asked as the girl nodded jeonghan's face softened and he started feeling bad for the girl. "did you at least eat?" the girl shook her head as jeonghan let out a sigh, he grabbed yujin's hand causing her to let out a yelp and stand up "w-what are y-you doing?!" without any words, jeonghan took the girl outside and led her to his house.

Once they arrived, jeonghan opened the door and walked inside "I'm home" he pulled the girl inside and took her to the kitchen "stay here and eat something I'll go get you some clean clothes" before the girl could reply he walked away and took some clothes from his sister's closet and brought it to the girl that was standing there like a statue "I told you to eat why are you standing there?" jeonghan let out a sigh and gave her the clothes "just go shower in my bathroom" he pointed at his room. The girl hesitantly made her way to the shower and started showering.

Awhile later, jeonghan's mom walked to the kitchen "Oh you're here" "Yeah, did you eat?" jeonghan asked his mom, she shook her head and smiled "we were waiting for you", she walked to the stove and started heating the food before calling jeonghan's father and sister down to eat.

The family soon finally began dining, but stopped when they heard a girl's voice coming from jeoghan's room "did you hear that?" jeonghan's sister asked in suspicion but jeonghan quickly and nervously denied "H-hear what?" "I just heard a girl's voice and it came out of your room" jeonghan chuckled nervously and started sweating "You must be hearing things, you didn't sleep much that's why"

"Jeonghan, sweetie if you're hiding anything from us it's okay tell us" "we won't kill you if you were in a relationship just let us know" jeonghan opened his mouth and was about to say something but was interrupted by yujin walking inside the dining area with a towel around her body and bra in her hand "jeonghan these are too small for me" jeonghan slammed his head on the table face flushed in red as his father choked on his food and quickly looked away embarrassed

"m-mom can you please help her? I'll explain later" jeonghan said with his head still on the table, his mom tried to hold back her laugh and went to help the girl "Come with me".

A little bit later, both jeonghan's mom, sister walked inside the living room "So can you explain now?" "where is she first?" jeonghan asked looking around from his place for yujin "She's sleeping in your room, she looked really tired" his mom answered him and made him stop looking around before letting out a sigh and started explaining everything to his family.

"so you're saying she has nowhere to stay and she'll stay here?" "yes, only if mom allows that is" jeonghan looked at his mom waiting for her response "I'll allow that of course but you'll be responsible for her if she needs anything or does anything" yuri, his sister, nodded her head in agreement with her mom "and she's staying in your room cause I don't want anyone sleeping in my room" jeonghan quickly looked at his sister "Yuri I'm a guy and she's a girl, that won't happen" "yes it will because you were the one that brought her home"


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