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The next morning, jeonghan decided to go and talk to Joshua about something since he was his best friend since they were kids. He wore his clothes and stepped outside his room making his way to the door, but stopped when he saw yujin also about to leave, "You going somewhere?" he asked her "Yeah I'm going for a walk with seungkwan, he said he needs help with his new puppy so I decided to go with him" she said smiling at jeonghan who was clearly not happy by the fact that yujin will be alone with another guy

He quickly brushed off the thought and just nodded "Are you going out too?" she asked jeonghan, and he nodded "I'm going to Joshua's" yujin's phone started ringing "oh looks like I have to go now, Bye!" and with that, she left and jeonghan followed after.

Jeonghan was now sitting in Joshua's living room waiting for him to come back from the kitchen with snacks, a couple of minutes later Joshua came to the living and sat next to jeonghan on the couch "So what did you want to tell me?" he asked as jeonghan sighed and started telling him what happened the night before with him and yujin's mom with every single detail

"So you're confused?" "I don't know" jeonghan sighed and looked down whilst ruffling his hair "Let me ask you questions and you need to answer honestly, no lying" jeonghan looked up and agreed to Joshua's idea

"okay first one, do you miss her when she's not with you?"
"Yes a lot" jeonghan answered shyly

"do you have the urge to protect her all the time?"
"Yes!" he answered confidently this time

"Lastly, do you feel jealous when she hangs put with another guy?"
Jeonghan didn't want to admit that he felt jealous but he still had to answer honestly
"yes" "Then you like her, man!" Joshua said excitedly pushing his friend a bit "You should go confess to her!" "but what if I get rejected, "didn't have to u say you two have gotten close? Also I have a feeling she likes you back" Joshua said trying to help jeonghan but as he was about to say something jeonghan's phone rang "oh its seungkwan" he answered the call

"Hey seungkwan"
"Jeonghan you need to come right now!"
"what's wrong?"
"Yujin suddenly fainted and I don't know what to do!"
"Okay calm down I'm coming"

cliffhanger hehe
Thanks for reading <3

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