The Ending.

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After a couple of minutes of following the couple, seungcheol, Joshua, and seungkwan got tired and decided to actually have some fun in the park. Time flew really quick as the sun has already set and the darkness has taken over. "Hannie I'm hungry~ can we go eat something?" "sure do you want to call the guys to eat with us too?" jeonghan asked yujin as they were walking hand in hand in the amusement park "Yeah call them, they're probabky tired by now" jeonghan nodded and called seungcheol

After all of them were reunited in the middle of the park, they went to a restaurant and started eating at the outdoor seating area, they ordered their food and started talking to each other while waiting for their food to come "So did you guys enjoy your date?" seungcheol teased the couple as seungkwan and Joshua were trying to hold their laughs, the couple looked at each other and smiled "Yes we had so much fun today" "Yeah it's definitely a day to remember" jeonghan pecked yujin's lips and brought her closer to him "Okay okay we get it stop being so cringy, we're already single enough" seungkwan sassed causing everyone to start laughing

Soon the food arrived and they all ate together with a table full of laughter and smiles, seungcheol was looking around the restaurant from his seat but something caught his eyes or should I say someone. A gorgeous girl with long black hair and beautiful light brown eyes has gotten up from her seat and was about to exit the restaurant, seungcheol suddenly started gathering his stuff with his eyes still on the girl and said "I'll get going now it was fun today hope you stay together forever, Bye!" he practically yelled the last part since he was already out the restaurant "What was that?" jeonghan asked "I think another one of our friends has found himself a girl he likes" Joshua said clinging on seungkwan's arm whilst watching seungcheol awkwardly talking to the girl from the restaurant's huge glass window "Yeah" the two fake cried causing jeonghan and yujin to laugh at them

"This all started in the rain" jeonghan thought while looking at yujin that was still laughing about Joshua and seungkwan's horrible act

Cringy ending but I like writing cringy stuff soo :))
I hope you enjoyed reading my story please look forward to my next story it's called "When they become one" It's going to be seventeen ships cause we love those—
Thanks for reading you lovely and beautiful people <3

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