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Jeonghan went to his room after everyone went to bed, he slowly walked inside trying to not wake the girl up, but unfortunately he failed, "Jeonghan?" yujin whispered sitting up on the bed while rubbing her eyes "Oh you're awake" yujin hummed in response "just go back to sleep I'm tired" jeonghan said getting a mattress from behind the door, the girl just nodded but then realized something "will you sleep on the floor?" "yes", yujin suddenly got up taking the pillow with her setting it on the floor and laid down "what are you doing?" "sleeping" jeonghan groaned and picked her up threw her on the bed "Jeonghan I-" "sleep here, if you move you'll get kicked it" the girl gasped and quickly pretended to be asleep on the bed causing jeonghan to quietly chuckle.

Soon after, he set a mattress on the floor and slowly fell asleep.

I know it was short :)
I want to make the time when they got to school a separate episode :)
Thanks for reading

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