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Jeonghan and Joshua quickly left the house and went to the park, the entire ride jeonghan was shaking his leg not being able to handle staying still when the girl he finally realized he liked was not okay

Once they finally arrived, jeonghan's face flushed with red at what he saw, yujin was wearing a light pink dress that was not too fluffy and went down to her knees, it had pretty flowers drawn all over it along with leaves and vines connecting them together. Seungkwan pushed yujin that was also very red towards jeonghan making them stand in front of each other "We'll leave you two alone, Bye!" seungkwan said dragging away Joshua with him, jeonghan tried to stop him but there was no use since they were already gone

"Um..sorry for lying to you..I'm okay" yujin said letting out a small awkward chuckle looking down "I actually wanted you to come with me so I can tell you some but you had other plans so seungkwan helped a little" jeonghan smiled at how awkward yujin was, "It's okay, don't do that again because I almost had a heart attack" yujin blushed and jeonghan started laughing at her reaction

Jeonghan then stopped laughing and stared at yujin as she did the same "Why are you staring at me like that?" yujin asked innocently, jeonghan cupped her face and said "I'm sorry for this yujin" she was about to say something but jeonghan stopped her by smashing his lips on hers, yujin was shocked at first but it didn't take her too long to respond, she put her hands around jeonghan's neck deepening the kiss

A little bit later, jeonghan pulled away and looked at yujin with a smile "what was that for?" yujin asked with a blushing face, jeonghan chuckled and gave her a peck again causing her to blush more "Yujin I don't know how to explain this but I like you and I want you to be my girl, so will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" yujin answered with no hesitation causing jeonghan to flinch "s-sorry I mean yes" she said embarrassed of herself jeonghan smashed his lips on hers again

A familiar voice interrupted them, "Finally!" the couple quickly pulled away and looked at who it was, it was none other than boo seungkwan with Joshua standing next to him "I thought you two left" "well we didn't, also boo did you get that? "Yup!" seungkwan said holding up his phone "Got what?" "the video of you two kissing" he said smirking "Yah! Boo seungkwan!" jeonghan started running after seungkwan trying to get the phone

Yayy! They finally started dating :)
All that is left from this story is their first date and then the end so basically the story is almost ending
but don't worry I have another story In mind it's going to be seventeen too so I hope you can tune in for that :D
Thank for reading <3

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