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After they finished eating, they sat in silence as awkwardness filled the air, seungkwan was clearly done with the awkward silence as he was the first one to break the silence, "So we are we seriously going to stay like this? If we are I'm leaving!" Seungkwan said in a sassy way causing Yujin to chuckle, "Do you have anything for us to do then mr.boo?" Joshua said cooperating with Seungkwan that was now smiling noticing that the awkwardness was slowly fading away

"We can play a game!" "What game?" Seungcheol asked "Hmm maybe we can play uno" everyone looked at the male that proposed the idea, "Sure, I'll go bring the cards"

Hours of playing different games passed as the boys and girl slowly started getting tired, "I think we should get going now" seungcheol said yawning right after "D you have a ride back?" jeonghan asked as the boys shook their head causing yujin to chuckle

"Let's just sleep here" seungkwan said spreading his body on the long not so comfy couch "wow since when was my house a hotel?" jeonghan said with sarcasm in his voice causing the three fired boys to start laughing

But everyone went silent when they heard soft snores, joenghan looked at his lap and saw yujin sleeping like a baby with her head on his lap and body curled together in a ball, jeonghan was about to move her when seungkwan stopped him "Stop! You won't interpret her sleep just because you're uncomfortable!" seungkwan whisper yelled causing jeonghan to flinch

Soon later everyone was asleep except for jeonghan who was still overwhelmed by the girl that was sleeping with her head on his lap, you can clearly tell that this was jeonghan's first time getting close to a girl though he lives with two-

Jeonghan was thinking about what happened later that night and remembered when yujin was crying, "Why was she crying? Did something happen to her?" jeonghan whispered to himself but something cut his thoughts "Can you stop staring now? It's uncomfortable" yujin said blushing and covering her face in jeonghan's oversized hoodie, jeonghan then realized what he was doing and looked away quickly blushing like a tomato "S-sorry"

Just as jeonghan's parents walked inside the house, yujin and jeonghan closed jeonghan's room's door, "I guess the boys are sleeping over like the old days" jeonghan heard his mother say with a chuckle referring to the three boys that were sleeping on top of each other in the living room like stray puppies.

This is the most random episode ever but please understand it's literally 3am rn so... Yeah-

Thanks for reading💚

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