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The next morning, jeonghan woke up early and found his parents already awake making breakfast, "Hey do you need any help?" Jeonghan asked,"no dear just go wake up your friends" his mother said smiling at him, jeonghan nodded and left to the living room

"Kwan wake up, cheol, josh you too get up" jeonghan shook them as they groaned "I'll go wake yujin up, if I come back and you're not up, you won't have any breakfast" jeonghan continued making his way to his room

Once he arrived at his room he saw yujin with a towel wrapped around her head and wearing only jeonghan's oversized hoodie on

'She looks cute wearing only my hoodie- WHAT AM I THINKING?!' Jeonghan thought and instantly cussed at himself

"Can you explain why you're only wearing a hoodie and no pants?" jeonghan asked clrealy disturbed "I feel a little warm so I thought why not" yujin shrugged and was about to walk out the room when jeonghan grabbed her stopping her from walking out the room "I won't let you wear that when there are three boys outside and four including me, go change" he walked outside the room regretting what he just did

'Ugh why the fuck did I just do that, it's not like I care' jeonghan thought mentally slapping himself.

He then walked to the living room and saw the three boys still sleeping "Yah! Wake up I said you won't have any breakfast!" Seungcheol quickly shot up and looked at jeonghan with a sleepy face "What time is it?" he asked with a deep morning voice " 9 am why?" "Shit!" Seungcheol cussed loudly and packed his stuff "What's wrong? Are you leaving already?" jeonghan asked confused at his best friend's sudden outrage

"My mom is probably arrived at the airport already by now, I have to go see her" Seungcheol answered jeonghan's as his face lit up "Is your mom finally settling here in Korea?!" jeonghan asked with a excited voice and the biggest smile on his face, Seungcheol nodded happily "I'm so happy for you cheol!" Seungcheol just smiled "I'll have to go now, tell your parents I said hi!" and with that, he rushed out the house leaving jeonghan with two sleeping boys

I hope you're not confused by what just happened it'll hopefully make more sense in the future episodes :))
Thanks for reading <3

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