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Jeonghan and yujin finally arrived at the house after taking the bus, luckily none of the boys came yet so jeonghan has time to organize the house aka hide all the food and drinks in the house.

"You go change, I'll clean up a little" jeonghan said to the short girl that was looking up at him smiling, she then quickly nodded and made her way to his room but then came back ugh she better not say it jeonghan thought "but I don't have any clothe-" "Just take anything from the goddamn closet yujin!" jeonghan said clearly tired of that sentence, he wasn't shouting or anything he just made it obvious in his voice that he was tired of the same thing happening over and over again, the girl then smiled and nodded her head running back to the room.

As soon as yujin closed the door of the room, jeonghan heard the doorbell he was internally screaming knowing that all the snacks and drinks will be wiped out of the house cause he didn't have enough time to hide them, but he quickly made his way to the door and opened letting in all the three guys inside.

"Where's auntie?" seungkwan said excited thinking that he will eat good food today "on a date with dad and my sister is with her friends" jeonghan explained to the three boys "That means we're home alone!" seungkwan said running to jeonghan's room

Jeongham them realized that yujin was still changing inside there and if he didn't stop seungkwan a big disaster will happen, "Seungkwan No-" he said grabbing the boy by his jacket but it was already too late

The door opened revealing...yujin wearing only wearing a bra and pair of pants.

Jeonghan quickly pulled seungkwan out the room and closed the door, now the only thing dividing the three shook boys and the couple was a door.

Jeonghan looked at yujin and threw her a shirt "put this on and lock the door next time" she put it on then looked at jeonghan "are you mad at me?" yujin asked as jeonghan sighed "no it's not your fault, are you done? We have three boys outside waiting for an explanation" jeonghan crossed his arms waiting for her to finish, she then chuckled and went to the closed door to open "Let's go" "Finally!"

They walked outside the room and saw no sign of the three boys, the first thing that came to jeonghan's mind was that they left because they were really mad, but right when he was about to call them he saw all three of them sitting on the couch arms crossed across their chests lost in thought.

Both jeonghan and yujin sat on another couch as jeonghan cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention, "So..um.we should explain, right?" he looked at yujin asking for her help but she was clearly no help, "So how long has this been going on?" "Do your parents know?" "Why did you hide it from us" questions just kept being thrown at jeonghan was overwhelmed with the number of questions that he couldn't answer any of them and all he wanted to do was shut all of them up, and so he did

"SHUT UP!" jeonghan shouted causing silence to fill the room, he sighed "I'll answer your questions after I explain" jeonghan then started explaining everything as all the three boys were listening to him

After he finished, seungkwan dramatically wiped his fake tears and started clapping "What a gentleman" jeonghan rolled his eyes then looked at Seungcheol who was relieved after finally finding out what jeonghan was hiding form them

As he was about to speak, yujin's phone rang she looked at the caller's ID and frowned "what's wrong" jeonghan asked her causing her to flash a fake smile "nothing, I'll go take this call" the boys nodded as she went to the kitchen far from the boys to take the call.

(bold font is her mother and the normal one is yujin)
"are you there? Yujin?"
"Yeah I'm here mom! How are you?"
"i'm good! How is my beautiful daughter doing?"
"I'm great mom, I really like my new apartment it's so cozy!
"I'm glad that you like it sweetie, your uncle was really happy to let you take that apartment"
"i have to go now eat well okay? And make sure to thank your uncle for the apartment and the food
Love you bye!"
Yujin felt really bad for lying to her mother about her life in the city, she felt really bad but couldn't do anything about it cause if she told her mother about everything, both her mother an grandmother will fall sick and end up in the hospital again, she couldn't help but start crying at the thought of that

Tears rolled down her cheeks like a waterfall, she tightened the of her grip around the phone as she tried to not make any noise so no one hears her crying she wanted to go to jeonghan's room and lock the door so she could cry without worrying of anyone seeing her, but to do that she'll have to go to the living room, where the boys were sitting.

Her thoughts were stopped by jeonghan walking inside the kitchen "Yujin what do you want- What's wrong?! Why are you crying?!" he ran to her in panic "N-nothing happened I-i'm okay" after she said those words she cried more causing jeonghan to freak out more

Jeonghan then pulled her into a tight comforting hug, the girl's eyes widened and she gasped in shock, she stopped crying and stood there in shock like a stiff wooden board, a little bit later jeonghan noticed that yujin was still stiff and wouldn't give in to the hug I he pulled away awkwardly

"We should go with the rest of the boys" "y-yeah" both of them walked back to the living awkwardly and sat on opposite sides of the couch, seungkwan was the first to notice how awkward both of them were being all of a sudden "why are you awkward? Did you kiss or something?" "Seungkwan!" both jeonghan and yujin said at the same time "What? I just want to know" he crossed his arms and pouted lil a child.

Thanks for reading

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