Closed Cases

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/TW: vulgar language, fear, general Remus content\


I'm stiff, I haven't moved since the kind man put me on the cot. My body's been creeping with unpleasant sensations all night long, and I can't sleep because of it. The man left in his cat form a long time ago, but it still feels like he's right here with me. He seemed nice.

I tense up when a sharp, alarming ring feels my ears. It ends abruptly, and I hear the sounds of people getting up and moving around. How many other people are here?

"Unpleasantly awoken yet again, sigh."

"Did you just say sigh instead of actually sighing?"

"Let me be dramatic."

I feel like I should move, laying down is a very vulnerable position and I don't want these people to think they can hurt me. I force myself to sit up, my head spinning, but it stops after a couple of seconds.

There's someone standing at my cell door. It's open, and they're standing in the doorway. It's a tall guy, an intimidating one, and he's looming through the door like a creepy stalker. He's got brown hair and glasses, and very sharp facial features. His eyes are an intense dark blue, almost like they're looking into my soul.

"I do not appreciate being addressed as a 'creepy stalker'."

I feel the blood drain from my face. Surely he's joking, right? He doesn't know what I'm thinking.

I push myself off of my cot and try to put weight on my legs. They hold me, and I take small steps to the center of the small, glass cell (these cells are glass? How's going to the bathroom supposed to work!?).

"Heya kiddo!" A different person walks up next to the taller guy. I recognize him as the kind man from last night. He's got curly, dirty blonde hair, and a soft, kind look about him. He's wearing the same white jumpsuit the taller guy is wearing, neither of them have any shoes. They've got lighter blue eyes than the tall guy does.

"Are you feeling any better? You look peaky." The kind man asks, concerned.

I didn't get any sleep, and I still feel like puking. My powers aren't responding to me, and these weird sensations and what happened last night still feel unreal to me. I'm still disturbed by the spider collar and this guy's transformation from cat to man.

"Yeah, I'm doing okay."

The man gives me a warm smile. "That's good.

I fake a small smile on my face.

Two more guys walk up to join the other two. I let my smile drop as I look at them. They're both latino, and look identical, but are still both very different. One guy holds himself with pride and confidence, seeming like he's looking down on me. The other holds himself in a way that gives off eerie vibes, and like he's got a trick up his sleeve.

"So, this is the new guy, huh? Emo, small, looks like a hermit. Yeah, not impressed." The more confident of the two clicks his tongue at me. What the fuck is his deal?

"Aw, he looks cute! Almost makes me want to turn him inside out." The eerie one giggles in a way that makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

I don't like these two rude and creepy twins, at all. No, I don't want them; get them away from me as fast as humanly possible.

The more confident one pushes past the tall guy and into the room. I immediately start backing up, putting a good amount of distance in between us.

"Roman, give him some space. He's overwhelmed, and still dealing with the after effects of the collar." The kind man looks...nervous? Why would he be nervous?

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