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A/N: I just love to torture the boys, don't I? This will have a good ending, but uh, lots of angst before we get there. Please let me know if there are any mistakes/inconsistencies, critiques are appreciated!

/TW: loads of angst, implied abuse, blood, needles, electrocution, extreme anger, stalker, threat of murder\


Leaning against this wall is not comfortable at all, but I don't really feel like getting up.

Cat Patton is curled up in my lap, asleep. We're all exhausted from the night before, and it shows. Roman has crashed on a bench across the way, drooling onto Remus's lap, the other twin fighting to stay awake. Janus keeps nodding off, and Logan has to keep shaking him awake. Logan is the only one who actually seems normal; pretty sure it's something to do with his powers.

I've pulled all nighters before, lots of times, but nothing quite like this. Not only did we discover some cool stuff, we stayed up until the morning alarm rang talking about it. Knowing that these guys have been forced into a "normal" sleep schedule for years, I can see why they're all like this.

Janus eventually loses his fight and collapses, flopping onto the lawn like a dead fish. I'm shocked that nobody's realized something is off about us all yet; it seems really suspicious.

I think about last night again, and my thoughts find themselves on the mysterious third person in Joan and Talyn's photo.

They all looked happy in the photo, grinning and smiling, and they were all wearing lab coats. The photo looked on the older side, like it was from the 90s or 80s. I don't know why, but I feel the need to figure out who that man is. Pretty sure everyone else feels it too, even if we're being quiet right now.

My eyes drift to the doorway leading to the courtyard. Three guards walk in, chatting idly, before stopping at attention and watching us all, bewildered and apprehensive. I scare them; they don't make eye contact with me.

"We need L069N and V1561L, now." The middle person demanded.

I groan, and pick up the sleeping Patton-Cat. I wake him, and he stretches in my arms before curling into my chest. I mutter an apology before setting him onto Janus, where he curls up and falls asleep in seconds. Logan walks next to me, and the three guards escort us in.

The now familiar tingling sensation of the collar activating thrums through my neck and chest. It's uncomfortable, but not nearly as bad as the first few days. Now that I think about it, life before those first few days kinda seems like a distant memory. I've only been here for a month; I guess getting beaten has something to do with it.

We're escorted to a different testing lab than normal. There's two scientists in here, but not the kind scientists I know. They turn when they hear us and the guards walk in.

The first scientist walks up to Logan first. "We have finished developing your new collar; we request that you get it put into place before we go through with today's experiment." They say. It's unnerving how professional they sound; I'm so used to Picani's cartoon quotes and excitement.

"Understood." Logan gives the scientist a nod before rolling his shoulders back into a more upright posture.

"How come you need a new collar?" I ask.

"This collar's capabilities became inoperable after my 25th birthday, when my new abilities developed. They have been working on concocting a stronger one to control me."

Thank god we managed to do all of the shit we did before this happened.

The first scientist walks over with a new colored collar. Instead of being silver, it's dark scarlet in color. The light at the front that shows whether it's on or off is now blue instead of red.

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