Secret Secrets Are No Fun

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A/N: WE MADE IT TO 1000 READS! OH MY GOD DSHJDHSILHDISH! Thank you guys so much, I'm glad you like this so much (despite the angst)! I nearly started crying when I saw we hit 1000, that's how excited I was about this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

/TW: implied depression, mentions of abuse, Remus\


This is truly, awfully, one of the most idiotic things I've ever done. And I've pulled dung out of a horse's ass for a career choice.

I do not know how any of these people think that they have any chance of bypassing the guards, let alone their cell walls. Hopefully these supposed codes they have collected will give us some freedom.

I totally believe in these people, absolutely.

Logan somehow managed to hack the cameras in each of our cells to show ourselves sleeping from a couple of nights ago, so the guards do not suspect that we are up to anything. It is quite ingenious, but I still have no idea how he could've done it.

We're all waiting in our respective cells, Logan fiddling with his keypad to release himself. He's using his telepathy, I believe. The twins have their faces pressed against the glass from their cell on the other side of me. My cell stands in their way from seeing the whole ridiculous show.

I can assume that Patton is too, and I quote, "nerv-cited", to sit still. I can practically see his aura from here.

Oh, I probably should have mentioned that. I can see auras, specifically emotions, of how other people think and feel. Roman and Remus's auras are both gold right now, however, Remus's is more jagged and spiked than Roman's. Logan's is dark blue, and is more blocky and orderly. He's very precise in his work as he types out the numbers on the key pad.

Patton and Virgil are too far for me to see their auras, unfortunately. I would love to know how they are reacting currently.

There's a beep from Logan's cell, and his glass door slides open. I sit up on my cot. The nerd actually did it, unbelievable.

He goes around and starts freeing everybody else with their various codes. He starts with Virgil, then works his way to me, Roman, Remus, and Patton. I'm surprised when my collar doesn't turn on when I exit.

"Why has it not activated?" I pick at the metal around my throat. I don't have to specify, the others know what I'm talking about.

"I believe that The Warden is so confident in her security, she does not feel the need to turn on our collars at night." Logan specified, jotting down notes in his notebook.

"Let's hope the queen of mean doesn't turn them on anytime soon." Roman said, letting his hands ignite. "I adore this."

I don't miss Virgil's flinch from the corner of my eye. I have half a mind to tell Roman to put it away, but he does not know Virgil's story yet, and the last thing I want to do is lose his trust in me by revealing his secrets.

The only times our collars are deactivated during the day is when we are in the courtyard, in our cells, or in a testing lab. Roman managed to burn down The Warden's old office because his collar was not functioning property.

"Well, let us disembark. There is a room I have been theorizing about for several months now and I would like to have my educated guesses confirmed." Logan says. He starts towards the door leading to the main hall, and the rest of us follow.

"You've been making theories about a locked door Specs?" Roman asks.

Virgil snickers. "That is such a nerd thing to do."

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