I'm Tired of This

962 49 13

/TW: Implied Abuse\


"Virgil! Get your ass outta bed, there's presents!"

Vanessa flicks the lights on in my bedroom. I groan, rolling over and covering my head with the pillow. It doesn't do much, just makes my arms tired.

Vanessa is like a hyperactive child. It's annoying, but also kind of exciting in a way. She can hype up entire crowds with basically no effort, it explains why she's a guitarist for a local band. It confuses me how she manages to have so much energy, when I can barely pull myself out of bed. It's addicting.

Vanessa yanks the blankets off of me. I sit up and chuck the pillow at her face. She laughs and throws a plush from the end of my bed at me. We get into a ferocious pillow fight, throwing plush toys and pillows back and forth at each other (what can I say? I like pillows).

Vanessa acts more like an encouraging older sister than a mom, and I kind of love it. She lets me get away with things that Talia wouldn't let me get away with.

Speaking of Talia, she shouts at the pair of us, "All right, you two! Get down here before I open your presents myself!"

Vanessa and I immediately halt our fighting and scurry down the stairs like the pair of gremlins we are. We shall continue this later.

Vanessa tackles her wife and peppers kisses all over her face before flopping down onto the loveseat, putting her head in her wife's lap. I roll my eyes and sit on the ground, crossing my legs and folding my arms.

"Virge, you're first, since you're the youngest." Talia says.

"What? No, this is your house; you guys have first pick." I say. I had this argument with them last year, and I will never let up.

"Virgil, no. Just take the god damn present you knumskull." Vanessa points a finger at me.

"Nope, never." I say, as I'm grabbing my first present from under the tree. It's a small one, not much bigger than my hand.

Talia and Vanessa both laugh, and wait expectantly for me to open the gift.

I eye them suspiciously, before tearing off the wrapping paper and opening the box.

There's a note inside.

You'll never get rid of us.

I feel the blood drain from my face. My head jerks up, and the scene dissolves in front of me. Talia and Vanessa, my moms, are gone.

"Hello there, bitch."

I brace myself.

Suddenly, there's a huge gust of wind. My head shoots up as the dark scene gets washed away, dripping away from view. It's replaced by the scene of a mountain meadow, coated in buttercups.

What just happened?

"You are dreaming, Virgil."

I turn to find the source of the voice, and find Logan standing behind me, hands clasped behind his back. He's wearing a black polo shirt, dark blue tie, and slacks.


It clicks. It was a nightmare.

It doesn't make it any less of a reality.

"What the fuck are you doing here!? Get out of my head!" I stomp towards him.

Logan's form warps, and then vanishes in the blink of an eye.

I'm yanked from my sleep and startled awake, sitting bolt upright in bed. The lights are on in the cells; that must mean it isn't night yet. The cells aren't occupied, except for one person.

And His Name was Virgil - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now