The Calm Before the Storm

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/TW: Pain, mentions of abuse\


The cell hallway is dark; I can hear the sounds of the sleeping bodies in the cells around me.

But I can't sleep.

Even the slightest movement makes me want to vomit from the overwhelming pain. Every part of my body hurts, whether it's from the bruising or the internal stuff, I don't know. All I know is I'm not getting any sleep tonight, either. My head is pounding, my body is desperately trying to get some rest, but I can't, not like this.

I feel scared, terrified. I don't have a sense of safety anymore, it's completely gone out the window. Every turn of the corner, every change I make, I have to watch my back now. It's just like old times, in the foster homes, but now it's so much worse.

Other people are getting hurt with me.

I think about my moms. I wonder what it's like for them right now, since I'm missing and everything. They've probably forgotten about me, moved on. I was only with them for two years, anyways. I don't mean much to them. I wasn't really their kid.

But it felt like I was. For the smallest moment, it felt like I was. It felt like I mattered, like I meant something. Like I was important.

It's gone, now; I'm back to where I once was, constantly watching my back and avoiding danger as much as humanly possible. I'm the only person that's going to remember who I am; that's just how it works for me.

"Virgil, are you alright?"

I don't move, since it hurts to move, but I do recognize that voice. It's Logan; I didn't expect him to be awake. He just seems like a perfect guy who doesn't have any worries; I guess I was wrong about that.

"Hey, Logan?"

"What is it?"

"Do you think your parents still remember you?" I ask the question hesitantly; I'm not sure if it's okay for me to ask.

There's silence from Logan's end. Oh no, have I made him mad?

"They probably came to the logical conclusion that I am dead by now, and have moved on. I am just some old forgotten memory to them now."

"Wow, way to be blunt." I snicker.

I can feel Logan roll his eyes, though I think it's in a playful way. It feels good, to have someone to bicker with. I miss it from my friends.

"You know, Logan, they haven't forgotten about you. At all, actually. On the documentary, they said that..." I try to figure out the right words. "They said that every year, they still celebrate your birthday. They donate to the missing children's center, and do a yearly sweep of the country. They never find anything; I always wondered why they still did it, why they still cared. I think I kinda get it now."

Logan is silent for a moment. He's thinking, I can hear the cogs turning in his brain.

"How so?"

"I don't know how to explain it, but...they love you, very much. I think they just want you to come home."

It's quiet again. It's a deafening quiet; the type that penetrates the dark gloom. That's when I hear it; the little spark of hope in Logan's heart, the small thing that's going to help him hold onto a chance of getting out of here. It's barely there, but I hear it.

"They...never forgot."


Ever since the surprisingly heavy discussion with Virgil, every day life has fallen back into a regular routine. Patton, and surprisingly Janus, have taken it upon themselves to show Virgil around and assist him in anything he needs. Virgil remains distant, which I cannot blame him for. I am sure Sir traumatized him to his core somehow, but I do not want to violate his privacy so I have not delved that far into his mind.

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