2 AM

111 8 16


I opened the doorknob, expecting everything inside to be normal. Scanning the room, everything seemed fine. Though, the TV was on, and you could see from the back of the couch, there were two boys there.

The only ones being A6D and Spifey, seeing as TapL couldn't have gotten here that quickly, let alone sit on the couch with some stranger.

I put a finger over my lips and turned around to Mega, to which he just nodded. Walking over there, the wood creaked, but hopefully not loud enough to disturb them.

A6D was asleep beside Spifey.

"Sooo.. What happened?"

"I- Whoa! Jesus, nothing you moron."

"Aww! Are you guys on a date?"

"No! Shut up. You're gonna wake him up."

"Sorry, we'll try not to wake your soon to be boyfriend up."

"Zelk I will single-handly murder you with my own hands by ripping out your esophagus then holding it in front of you."


"Yeah. Anyways we'll let you do your thing."

"Have fun with your boyfriend, Zelk."


"I- What? I'm not your boyfriend??"

"You are now. Come on, let's go!"

I heard Mega's camera flash before I grabbed his hand, dragging him down the hall and into my room. He sat down on the bed, just staring at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Dude, they're SO gonna get together!"

"Calm down tho, we should probably just either subtly watch them from afar or find ways to push them together. Let's bump each one of them into each other or something."

I still wondered what his reaction behind his scarf was when I said he was-

Auh, now I'm cringing.

My boyfriend.

Honestly, It's probably for the best. I don't know what he considers me now, but that moved really quickly.

I drummed my fingers on the bed, occasionally making eye contact with him, to which we both awkwardly ignored, despite it happening a lot more than once.

"Do you ever just wanna like..."


"Run away? Imagine the freedom A6D has now. I know we're away from our parents but.."

"If anything his parents are closer to him than our's are to us. But yeah. I guess."

"Then let's do it."


"Me and you, tonight sneak out at approximately 2 AM while actually listening to 4 AM by girl in red, and we can sit on top of a building and wait for the sun to rise."

"The fuck-"

"Don't question it. Yes or no."

"I mean- I guess yeah. It sounds nice."

"Good, then you should probably head to bed early tonight."

"Oh- Uh- Okay??"

"Uhh, so ANYWAYS-"

"Wait. Is this a date?"


"Woah, okay. Calm down there buddy."

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