The begining of the exam

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You and Lucy walk through the doors and see a whole bunch of people ready to take the hunter exam. You both get a number and you get number 20 and Lucy gets number 8 you both get your lucky number.

You and Lucy were kinda tried because of what you had to do to get here so you both go sit down in a corner and go to sleep.

(After a while)

You wake up to some screaming. Good thing you guys were already in side of the circle that way you wouldn't have to go find the person scream. You see the guy that was screaming and his arms were disappearing you look at the guy who was smiling and said "next time try not to bump into someone" he then looks over at you and you look away Lucy was still asleep but you could tell she was going to wake up.

You didn't want her the wake up because you knew she would get really mad so you had no choice but to scream at the guy who was screaming.

You: hey can you please stop screaming my friend is asleep or can you walk away.
The guy: do you not see what is happing to me my arms they are going away can't you just move.
You: no I really can't so if you could do me a favor and go away.

After you said that you could see someone heading over to punch you in the face but you couldn't block it because Lucys head was on your shoulder and you didn't want to wake her up so you had no choice but to let him hit you as soon as he was about to hit you, you close your eyes but don't feel anything you open your eyes and see that Lucy blocked it with one hand.

— Lucy Pov —
I was sleeping but I was half awake so I could hear what was happing I could hear someone screaming at y/n and I let it be because y/n was talking back telling them to move so I could sleep they all moved away but this one guy came to punch her she couldn't move because my head was on her shoulder so I blocked it easily and woke up. I look at him dead in they eye and said next you decid to wake me up or even hit y/n I will end up killing you, I broke his arm and he left crying.

You: thank you and sorry that you woke up
Lucy: it's fine it wasn't your fault let go look around and see what is going on k.
You: ok

(After some time)

You guys see that this man was talking to these kids you walk over a little to hear there conversation and see that the guy gave them a drink. You and Lucy could smell from far away and you smelled that the drink had something in it that was not good for you so ran up to them and took the drinks away while Lucy scared him and he walked away.

The  boy said hi and said thank you for helping us out we would have had to go home even before the exam started. you say you're welcome and same that your name is _____. And that the one next to you is Lucy she didn't talk because she was to shy then you guys wish them Luck and walk away.

(Time skip)

A guy with purple hair came out of no where and said that the first phase was to run and try to keep up. He then kept talking and said that this exam is dangerous and you might die so if you wanted to back out do it now nobody left. Ok then let's start running.

You and Lucy run and you guys thought that you were running really slow but you both were ahead of all of them. Suddenly you feel someone catch up and it was the guy y/n saw earlier he asked what your name was you tell him that your name was ____. And this was your best friend Lucy. He looks at both of you and asked is that a costume or what is it.

You both look at each other and look annoyed but laughed at the same time and said no I am half lion and Lucy is half panther so we are both half human.

You: and your name is
Hisoka: oh my name is hisoka
Hisoka: Lucy why are you being qui-
You: please don't ask her that she doesn't like it when people ask her that.
Hisoka: oh ok my bad well wanna have a race to the end.

as he looked at you both up and down. You and Lucy got uncomfortable and left him there. You and Lucy said what a pervert he is Lucky we are both 18.
You nod and then rest for while and realized that you guys made it to the end without noticing. you and Lucy were both sleepy and decided to sleep for a bit.

— Hisoka Pov —
I could see that y/n and Lucy were really close and that nobody could separate them but also that Lucy is stronger then y/n but y/n was very strong to they both left me when I looked at them but I could tell the were 18 what a bummer but oh well and I run after to see them asleep under a tree. I waited for them to wake up as I build a card house and I saw that Lucy was already wake but she just stayed there because y/n was asleep on her laps.

Hiiiiii guys so I made another story and I am trying to make this one really good and I am very profundo how the first chapter came out. Thank you to the people who are reading my story. Ok byeeeeee hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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