The fight

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(End of flash back)

As you got to the arena you looked over to the guy that Lucy was fighting. You had to options to guess from ether he has dead or unconscious. But you didn't have your doubts that he was dead.

You go up to Lucy and tell her good job. She goes and tells you good luck and then goes finds a seat to watch you fight you stand in the arena and wait for 2 minutes for the person you were going to fight. After he came they asked you to shake hands and then begin the fight.

You didn't know who it was so you didn't have to worry about killing him or Breaking any bones. Meaning you wouldn't care if you killed him or broke a bone.

You got in you position of a lion and waited for him to attack. The guy came running to you and was about to punch you, you could tell that it was going to hurt if he punched you or let him do you had no other choice I mean you could've done it nicely but it seemed boring to you. So once he came close enough to you, you bite him arm and twist it and break it. After that you pull him to the ground and twist his neck. And just like that it was over because you killed him.

After the fight you go look for Lucy. Every one looked at you in disgust because you killed someone you were getting shy and scared so you tried to look for Lucy till you saw her. You when up to her a hugged her.

Lucy: y/n don't hug me idiot it's embarrassing and I don't like hugs ether.
Y/n: sorry I forgot.

You guys were walking and you were going to the second floor, you guys kept fighting to make it to the top and raise more money.

(Time skip)

You guys made it to the 200th floor in just two day you guys were going through this hallway but you and Lucy felt strong aura you looked up to your surprise it was.

Hi sorry for the short chapter and happy birthday to oikawa but I will write tomorrow I finally I have in idea any way thank you for the people who are reading my story and hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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