Extra chapter.

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— You and hisoka —
It's been over a year and you and hisoka moved far away into the woods were no one could find you so you guys did everything there you both said you wouldn't have a child because it would slow you guys down if they still wanted you guys because you guys still went out to kill people but this time was for fun or when Chrollo and Lucy needed you but besides that you guys stayed in your house and had fun.

(Little author note)
Ik you guys are thinking of that kind of fun you guys are all dirty but yes you guys did it but I just am to lazy to write it sorry but you guys can imagine it ;)

— Lucy and Chrollo —
Lucy and Chrollo stayed in the phantom troop and they were both the leaders they were fight when they had a mission Chrollo and Lucy did it once in a mission and one of the enemy was walking into the room so Lucy was about to stop till Chrollo covered her mouth and said hey kitten let's see how exiting this gets k.

And just like that they had fun but they were fighting they were the strongest duo but they also go on mission with hisoka and y/n because they are still part of the phantom troop expected not that much.


Hi luvs hope you guys liked this story sorry if you guys wanted to see more or read sorry Of you know but I will on the next story when I figure who ok we'll that it for this story who knows maybe in the future I will improve it but for now this is it sorry for the bad spelling of there is I just was to lazy to go over hehe any way bye guys for now see you soon. 💖🙃

Ps. Thank for the people who read it 🙂

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