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You: Lucy what are you doing her but also how did you find me.
Lucy: I came to safe a certain someone from a bad situation.
You: sorry

— Chrollo Pov —
Well look who we have here the famous Lucy who just took a part of my arm. So Lucy I see that you are very strong and pretty to, but how about since you joined us let's have fun together ok.

— Lucy Pov —
As if I just came to get y/n back so if you could excuse us thank you very much.

— Chrollo Pov —
Now don't be mad my little kitten I mean I see that you are not a kitty but that just fits you, But moving on from now on you will be joining the phantom troop.

— Lucy Pov —
I never agreed to that and why do I have to do what you say.

— Y/n Pov —
Lucy it's ok I had to join to so let's just do as he says ok.

Lucy: you did what. Are you dumb or something.
Y/n: sorry but I had no choice and if we are being honest it's kinda cool.

Fine but I hope you know that if someone wakes me up when I am sleeping it's over for you. Please don't Lucy.

(Time skip)

After a while you and Lucy were both tried as you guys started to walk to the corner to sleep Chrollo calls out Lucys name. She asked " what do you want Chrollo can't you see I am tried."

— Chrollo mind —
I saw that Lucy and y/n were walking to a corner to sleep how cute but I wanted to toy around with Lucy since I already had fun with y/n so I called lucys name out I still didn't know what I would do but I knew it was going to be fun.

Chrollo: don't be so mad.
Lucy: can't you see never mind what do you want.
Chrollo: let's go somewhere private ok.
Lucy: ugh fine but make it quick.

— Y/n Pov —
He asked Lucy to go somewhere private I didn't want to be alone tho I was about to say Lucy don't g- but she said to go to sleep and she would be right back I nodded because I had already caused her trouble.

— Lucy Pov —
As we are going out side he leads me to where we were before and before you knew it we made it to a old house I ask him what we are doing but he stayed silent. As we got to the end of the old house I look at him and stand there.

Chrollo: do you know why we are here? It's because I found you interesting and you know I wanted to get to know you better so let's start by this what your sweet spot Lucy. I mean I am just curious.

Lucy: W-w-what I- I don't know

Chrollo: well let's find out together ok.

He goes up to Lucy and pins her to the ground he starts to kiss her all over her body Lucy tries not to *moan* so I decid to whisper in her ear " hey kitten don't be afraid and let it out that way we can have more fu-."

— Y/n Pov —
Lucy was taking long and I was getting worried. before they left I saw them going out side so I stayed inside but since I saw that she was taking long I decided to look for her I walk up to the end of the old house and I saw Chrollo pinning Lucy to ground I look at him and froze.

He gets off of Lucy and starts to walk out side and before he left he told Lucy "don't think it's over yet." As he left smirking.

Lucy are you o- are you kidding me y/n I wanted to see where this was going and besides I like him.

Y/n: what how you just meet him
Lucy: i know I did and you better not make things obvious that I like him ok now let's go because you ruined it. Oh and don't think I don't know you like hisoka.
You: what you don't know that.
Lucy: sure I don't

Sorry I don't know. You guys go back inside and see that people are already fallen asleep even Chrollo you guys get comfortable and sleep.

(Next morning)

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will write another one and if I have time I will try to write three chapters but thank you for the people reading this. see you guys in the next chapter tho byeee. 💖

Chrollo X Hisoka X reader X Lucy Where stories live. Discover now