Your past

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As you left the room where you and Chrollo had been as you walk out you see the sun was setting so you decide to go out side and watch it.

You go out side and sit on the mountain with Lucys hoodie she gave you because you had no jacket on and you left one behind the day you got kidnapped by Chrollo. As you looked at the sunrise you remember your past.


You and your family were very happy together you guys all lived a good life but the only thing that worried your mom was that people wanted you killed or alive because you guys were rare species because after all you are half human. One day you woke up from a random sound you go outside and see these men that have killed your sister and baby brother you cry and scream. Your mom and step dad walk out and see what's happened they start to fight.
Your parents were old and you could tell they were about it to give in. You look over at the man and he said,

Man: now then you there watch how I cut your dads and moms head off.

You froze and saw the he cut off your dads head off first you saw your mom and she told you to run and to find Lucy you said no but she said go as she was about to say I love you they cut her head off.

You start to run as fast as you can to Lucy while crying. You then get to Lucys house but see that everyone is dead except for Lucy you look at Lucy and she had blood all over her.

Hi y'all, sorry for the short chapter by the way let me explain the picture a above it's a blossom tree but the rest of the flowers are covered in blood that because in this story your favorite tree is a blossom tree and you had them all over your house but when they killed your parents the blossoms were covered in blood by them. Sorry if it was dark but I will write the chapter tomorrow cuz it is 1:28 am here ok byeee.

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