Hevens arena

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Author note:
Sorry for the long skip as I said in my last chapter I did not want to copy the anime thank you for understanding.

After a month or two you and Lucy finally pass the hunter exam you didn't have any money and you guys were planning to go to New York. So you and Lucy did some research and found out about place named the heaven arena. You can earn money but by fighting you and Lucy were both really good at fighting so you both said yes to that place.

(Time skip)

After you guys got to the heavens arena there was a big line so you could go in. After some time passes they give you both a separate room key for the first floor every time you win a fight you go up a floor. They asked Lucy if it was ok that her first fight was going to be this afternoon. She nodded and they told you that your fight was going to be after Lucys. You agreed and both of you went to your room number.

— Lucy Pov —
I was scared for y/n to be honest she was a good fighter but I would always be the one to protect her so it will be interesting to see her fight but not really.

— Y/n Pov —
I was exited for the fight and how much process me and Lucy would make and how much stronger we will get now we just have to wait.

And then it was the afternoon.

Sorry for the short chapter but I will write more tomorrow thank you for the people who are reading my book I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Byeeee.

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