Who will you choose/ who do you like 

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Me and hisoka walk over to the loud bang and see that Chrollo pined Lucy to the wall and was mailing hickys on Lucy.

Lucy saw me and gave me a hand sign to leave I did that and I took hisoka with me. We both walk out and as we were both waking hisoka pined you to the wall and said now don't be running off my little lion stay still and be a good girl.

He started making hickeys all over your and Chrollo looked out the window and saw what hisoka was doing he looked mad and went out side. He pulled you away from hisoka and you were standing in the middle of them both.

— Y/n mind Pov —
I don't know what there doing one second Lucy was with Chrollo and I was with hisoka now what please don't tell me they are going to fight.

Chrollo: let's fight and settle this for the last time
Hisoka: sounds like a plan, Lucy ,y/n  stand to the side.
Y/n: guys don't do this you both will get injured badly—
Lucy: let them fight it will be there last one.
Y/n: but Lucy I-

Lucy covers your mouth and carried you to a corner we're you could see a the fight and separate them if it got out of hand.

Lucy: 3,2,1 begin.

Hi sorry for the short chapter and yes the story will finish soon I don't know how many chapters tho but yes it will end soon but I will write more later I promise byeee thank you for reading my story

Chrollo X Hisoka X reader X Lucy Where stories live. Discover now