Bumping into some one you missed. 

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You and Lucy were walking through this hallway to go register for your next fight it was also going to be your last because you guys had enough to go to New York.

As you both were walking you sentenced a strong aura you and Lucy already learned Nen and all that since you guys were 10. As you looked at the person to you surprise it was hisoka.

You: hisoka? What are you doing here.
Hisoka: bummer I thought it was gon and Killua, but any way I am here to get money and then leave.
Lucy: same here but we will be leaving now right y/n.
You: yeah ok, any way this will be are last one to but bye hisoka we will meet up agin soon you said it yourself.

As you guys left you both ran into someone. You and Lucy both say " sorry we didn't mean to we will be leaving now."  The random guy said, " it's ok my name is Chrollo by the way what bout yours"

You: my name is y/n-
Lucy: why do you want to know are names here take mine my name is Lucy.
Chrollo: now we don't have to be rude after all you are the ones who bumped into me right.

— Lucy Pov —
We ran into hisoka but I saw to many people and I didn't want to be around many people so I told y/n to hurry up because we are leaving. As we were going we ran into this random guy who's name was Chrollo he was really cute but I controlled myself and made it sound like I didn't care.

— Chrollo Pov —
I ran into these two girls there names were Lucy and I think the other one y/n but Lucy cut her off I hope I run into them again because from now on they will be my new toys to play with.

(Lonnnnnng time skip)

You guys finally made it York new and decide to go shopping for some new books and food. As you were going shopping Lucy told you that she was going to be right back you nodded and she left. You were looking around till you bump into someone you see that the dropped something it was a dead body you got scared and started to walk away they grab you and knock you out.

You wake up in a room. And someone came in it was Chrollo.

Chrollo: it was nice running into you right ok so what were you doing wandering around this late.

You: I was with Lucy and she had to go somewhere and that's all I can remember we were just going to buy some food and books.

Oh ok well y/n he pulls your chin up and says from now on you will join the phantom troop. You look confused and then realize that they are all over the place of wanted alive  or dead you didn't know what to say and you just ended up saying ok.

You ask if you could see Lucy and he said that he would go look for Lucy you nodded and then he told the rest of the group that you are now the newest member of the troop you look around and see hisoka.

You were about to say something till Chrollo said y/n come on you will be with me for the rest of the night he smirks and you ignore it while worrying about lucy.

Hiii sorry if the chapter is long Ik it is getting boring but I promise it will get interesting I might not post another chapter but when I write the next one it will be interesting I promise you. Ok thank you bye.

Chrollo X Hisoka X reader X Lucy Where stories live. Discover now