Night Patrol

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As you were walking with Chrollo he said who is going to do night patrol you didn't know what it was but you still said that you would do it. Chrollo looks at you and says all you have to do is make sure no one comes to this hide out and if they do kill them.

You froze up and then went out side you started walking back and fourth,After a while you looked over and saw a old house so you go over and go in side the old house you look around and see hisoka.

— Hisoka Pov —
I see y/n walking to old house I go over there before her she looked surprised and she was about to walk out till I said hey.

You: hey hisoka.
Hisoka: why did you join the phantom troo-
Chrollo: y/n where are you

— Y/n Pov —
You hear Chrollo call your name out so you started to walk outside till hisoka pulls your arm and pins you to wall you couldn't move he held both of your hand up with one hand you look up at him and now you guys were only inches a part.

You: hisoka let me go I need to go see Chrollo
Hisoka: why did you join the troop.
You: I didn't have a option any way.
Hisoka: yeah that's true don't let Chrollo touch you though because you are mine after all.
You: hisoka your hurting me and I am not yours.

He let's go of you and you walk out Chrollo sees you and sees the red marks on your wrist. Chrollo said "I thought you left."

You: if I left I think I would die.

— Chrollo Pov —
I see y/n walk out of the old house and told her that I thought she left I look up and see hisoka sitting by the window that's when I asked y/n do you like hisoka and do you think he would get mad if I touched you.

— Y/n Pov —
I look up at Chrollo and froze I lied to him and told him I didn't like him and I don't think he would like me back. Or get mad you if you touched me you stutter.

Chrollo: oh really ok so even if I did this.

He picks up your chin and hold you on the air you couldn't breath and you tried to kick him but you couldn't you looked at the corner of your eye that hisoka got up and started to go where we were as he was going out side I fell to ground. I see blood come out of Chrollo hand it was Lucy.

Sorry for the short chapter I didn't have in idea and I was watching anime but I will write more later or tomorrow ok thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Chrollo X Hisoka X reader X Lucy Where stories live. Discover now