The second/third exam

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— Lucy Pov —
I woke up pretty early because I had already slept and when I woke up I saw that hisoka was building a card house I couldn't move to stand up and stretch because y/n was sleeping on my laps and she would wake up easily.

(6 hours later)

— Y/n Pov —
I woke up and saw that every one had made it and Lucy was still sitting I get up and she got up we waited for the rest of the people to get here. Once every one got here the same guy with purple hair said that the second phase is to two keep running with him but it was a little foggy so I had to try not to lose Lucy while running.

— Hisoka Pov —
I was starting at y/n waking up and it was cute I tried to make a nick name for her but I still hadn't had any ideas of what to call her so for now I just called her by her own name and for Lucy I would just call her Lucy. I saw this man which made everyone stare at him and said that the guy with purple hair is a fake one so I through one of my cards to him and he caught them which meant that he was the real one.

(Time skip)

— Y/n Pov —
After a some time of running in the fog we made it to the end of phase 2 but I saw that gon was missing so I go look for him and see that hisoka is caring this older guy with glasses and a suit on. I ignore it and keep trying to find gon till i see that he was on his way back to the and so I went back to Lucy.

After everyone got back you could tell that some people weren't here. The third phase was with a gourmet hunter we had to cook for them Lucy was very exited because she loved to cook it was like if she lived in kitchen but on the other hand you were not the best so you had to try to make the best dish.

You guys went to go look for pigs and found a whole bunch of them you and Lucy figured that since they had a big nose that there for head must be there week spot so you guys hit there for head and saw that the were dead. You guys both carried your pigs and to your surprise you guys were the first one there. You and Lucy stood by each other and began to cook.

Lucy started by seasoning the pig and started to roast the pig while it was roasting she made a salad with some dressing along with it after everything was done she put the pig on the tray and put bits of the salad she made on the sides of the tray with some pineapple to. After she was done she brought it to the front.

— Y/n Pov —
I saw Lucy so Focused on her cooking that when I realized that she was done I hadn't started anything and people were already coming I saw that Lucy brought her tray over to the hunters and they looked surprised. I was to it made me hungry.

— Lucy Pov —
I was very sacred that they were going to try the pig that I made. They took a bite and out of the pig and I closed my eyes and heard people come in I decided to open them again and the hunters said that I passed I was relived and happy.

(Time skip)

— Y/n Pov —
Nobody passed expect for Lucy. They took us to a mountain because they said it was unfair to fail everybody. They told us to boil in egg from the cliff down there I jumped down and grabbed my egg and climbed back up and boiled it. After that I split mine with Lucy she didn't have to do it since she was the only one who passed.

Hiiii I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I am going to do a longgggg time skip because I don't want to do every phase so I doesn't look like I am copying the anime but thank you for the people who read this chapter I will do one more chapter for the day and that's all thank you.byeeee. Oh sorry if it was a little boring.

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