The memories

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While Lucy was getting ready for her fight you were putting your alarm to know when to wake up from your small nap. You waited till Lucy got ready to wish her luck on her fight.

After she got ready she left the room and told me not to oversleep I nod and say bye and good luck. After she exits the room I get cozy and sleep.

— Y/n dream —
Hisoka will I ever get to see you again. I promise you that one day we will see each other again don't cry my little lion ok, I have to go now ok. He stoped after he took three steps because I was holding his arm I hug him and tell him I hope it true that I get to see you again. You dig your head into his chest and he was shock that you hugged him he hugged you back and said y/n you aren't scared of me why not.

(Alarm clock rang)

You hear your alarm clock and turn it off you get up and start to get ready for your fight. "Not the same dream again." As you were putting your hair up you got a flash back.

(Flash back)

One day while you were in the hunter exam it was night time and you went out for some cold air Lucy was asleep so you just left her note if she woke up.
You go out side and see hisoka there you go over to him and say hey. He looks up at you and said " what's this my little lion came to pay me a visit."
You blush but look away so he doesn't see you blushing. You guys talked that night till sunrise asking questions to each other but not about your parents. After that you guys started to meet up at night and you guys got closer to each other and became good friends but you liked him. You wanted to be more then friends but you didn't say anything.

At the end of the exam before you left you told Lucy you would be right back. She said ok and you left her there. you go and see hisoka and ask him if you will ever see him.

Hisoka: we might bump into each other but I promise we will see each other one day.
You: ok well bye hisoka see you soon.
Hisoka: bye my little lion.

As you saw him walk alway you grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug and you look up and he sees you crying you dig your head into his chest and then let go. He asked you y/n you really aren't scared of me. As you were going to answer that question Lucy calls out your name. you tell him that have to go, You say bye and go to Lucy and after that you both went your separate ways.

(End of the flash back)

Hiiii ok so this was a flash back so you could see what your relationship is with hisoka but any way in the next chapter it will be your turn to fight so the next chapter I might post it today or tomorrow thank you and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter byeeeeee. 💖

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