Hisoka won the fight

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You stood there and fell to the ground and felt tears run down your face. Chrollo opened his eyes and saw that Lucy got hit.

— Chrollo Pov —
Lucy why would you do that ether way I would die one day w-WHY WOULD YOU SAVE ME!

Lucy: because the first time I-I meet you I liked you.
Chrollo: why me.
Lucy: it's more like love then like yea Chrollo I loved you but I know you like y/n so it hurts me but I still couldn't let you die at least not til Lyon say bye to me.

Chrollo got up and walked to Lucy he picked her up and placed her gently on his laps, and told her this " I never noticed how pretty you were Lucy I also just realized I love you so you better not die on me Baka."

Chrollo got up and punched hisoka in the face and said you win you can keep y/n.

— You Pov —
I look up and see hisoka walking over to me when I saw him in front of me I realized why they were fighting because they both liked me and they were fighting to see who can stay with me but I always liked hisoka I am glad that Chrollo likes Lucy tho but after this I am taking Lucy to a hospital.

Hisoka: y/n I like you can we please be together forever.
Y/n: h-hisoka yes w-we can I love you

Hisoka looked up at you and kissed you and Chrollo kissed Lucy to.

They both let go at the same time I looked over at Lucy and saw that Chrollo had already helped her.

Chrollo: my mom used to be a doctor so I helped Lucy she is fine.
Y/n: thanks Chrollo.

You walk over to Lucy and you start to cry even more. Because you knew this is were You and Lucy don't see each other for sometime because you guys we'll be with your love ones. You hug her and she stayed and shock and said only this once and hugged you back and she started to cry. I will see you soon I promise and you know we're I will be ok.

Y/n: Lucy I am going to miss you so much
Lucy: hey ok I get it don't cry or else we will both look like idiots.

You both let go and say bye before you left Lucy she walks over to you and you walk back to her and hug her and say thank you for everything you are the best person. Her eyes widen but she holds her tears and then puts a finger up on your forehead and says " Baka" you smile and say bye she says see you soon you say that to and like that you went with hisoka and Lucy with Chrollo.

Hi guys I hope you didn't cry and you will see Lucy soon but I won't add that but you will in the future because it's not the end for you guys. The last chapter will be up in a couple of minutes but yes see you guys there again bye 👋.

Chrollo X Hisoka X reader X Lucy Where stories live. Discover now