Lucys past life

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You see Lucy covered in blood you ask her what happened.

— Lucy Pov —
Y/n thought I killed my parents for a second but that's not what happened I told her that they also killed my parents and I started to run away but the shot my leg from far so I had to hide and blood would not stop so after the left I went back home.

— Y/n Pov —
I felt really bad for blaming Lucy for killing her parents even tho I didn't say anything my face showed it all but once she told me I ripped a piece of my shirt and tied it around her leg to make the blood stop.

After a while we heard the people that killed a parents. And Lucy couldn't really run so I put her on my back and carried her all the the way to a tree house that we built a long time ago but far away in the woods.

(End of flash back)

You open your eyes and see Lucy taking pictures of you.

You: Lucy stooooop I don't like pictures!
Lucy: well yo bad I already took them plise you don't look that bad ok.

She smiled and you just sat there staring at the sky Lucy puts her hand out and you grab it and she helps you get up you both look At each other and Lucy puts a finger to your forehead and says " Baka"  you smile and hug her.

Lucy: y/n you know I don't like hugs why you do this tho why?
You: but it's fine because I am your favorite friend.
Lucy: I know you are but you know what fine.

She hugs you back and then you guys walk back inside and see Chrollo and hisoka Lucy y/n where we're you guys. Just outside looking at the sunrise.

Chrollo: oh ok well then shall we go somewhere y/n we have to talk.
Y/n: why I don't want I want to stay her-
Chrollo: are you complaining well guess I will bring you by force.

He grabs your arm really tight and starts to pull you away.

You: Chrollo stop your hurting my are and it's the broken one please let go or stop holding it to tight
Chrollo: stop being a crybaby or will hurt you even mor-

— Chrollo Pov —
I took y/n but the arm, the arm that was broken and I was holding on to it tight so she would not go away she started to cry a lot and I got annoyed I was going to slap her when hisoka pulls y/n into her chest and throws card at me I got hurt but not as much.

Hisoka: don't touch my little y/n like that only me.

— Back to you —
Hisoka that's embarrassing you idiot and I need air I can't breathe your hugging me to tight.

Hisoka: and what will be your punishment
You: pun-pun-punishment?
Hisoka: yea I mean you did let him touch when I told you not to let anyone do you disobey me what a bar girl you are.

S-sorry I di-didn't mean to he grabs your waist and kisses you down the neck that's when you hear a bang.

Hiii y'all Ik you guys thought dirty when I said "he is grabbing you tight" don't try and change my mind you nasty ass b it it's ok cuz me to any way I will post tomorrow it's 3:40 am here but any way byeeee. :3. 😉

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