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A bit of pedophilia
Overprotective momceit

Seriously, Remus says and does some really fucking perverted things while Virgil is a baby. He doesn't touch him, but he does get a good beating for it from Janus (and Virgil eventually)

Tell me if I need to add anything!

"Virgil, time to get up," Patton said as he entered the anxious sides room. Instead though, he found a tiny little boy, sitting on Virgils bed. He had dark brown hair and eyes, and looked up at Patton with a mix of confusion and fear.

Patton gasped in excitement and ran over, picking him up. But of course, the boy immediately started crying.
"What's going on?" Roman asked walking in.
"Does this look like Virgil?" Patton asked, showing the crying boy to Roman.
"Shit, what happened to him?" Roman said in shock.
"I don't now," Patton tried to calm the toddler down but he wouldnt stop crying.

"Janus, Remus!" Patton called as he rose up in the dark realm.
"What's up, Pat?" Remus asked smiling. He stared at Virgil, who immediately stopped crying. He tried to grab Remus, making it difficult for Patton to hold him.

"Virgil? What the hell happened to you?" Remus asked in shock as he gently took Virgil from Patton. Virgil hugged Remus tight.
"Bubba," Virgil smiled, poking his cheek. "Papa?"
"You want papa?" Remus smiled. Virgil nodded excitedly. Janus came in and was shocked when Virgil squealed and tried to get him, too.
"Virg?" He asked in shock. Virgil giggled and hugged him.
"Papa," he smiled.
"Why did he call Remus bubba and Janus papa?" Patton asked.

"Well, when Virgil was younger, I was the closest thing to a father he had. And Remus was like an older brother. So until he was like 14, he called us papa and brother," Janus explained. "What happened to him?"
"No idea. I went to wake him up this morning and he was like that. I guess he forgets everything from when he was older, since he wants you," Paton shrugged.

"Remus, shut your fucking mouth," Janus growled when Remus opened his mouth to say something. Remus whined and crossed his arms in a huff.
"Are you able to watch him until he's back to normal?" Patton asked softly. Janus nodded and smiled at the boy in his arms.
"Absolutly," he said softly. Patton smiled weakly and sunk out. Janus smiled and hugged Virgil closer to his chest.
"I missed you, baby," he whispered, kissing his head.
"Wuv papa," Virgil mumbled.
"I love you too," Janus whispered in tears. He had missed Virgil so much. Remus pouted. "Get in here, weirdo," Janus chuckled. Remus excitedly hugged them, smilin when Virgil squealed and laughed.
"Bubba big," Virgil giggled, putting his cute little hands on both Remus' cheeks.
"Bigger then Janus," Remus smirked.
"Shut up," Janus hissed. Virgil had his tongue out a bit, looking absolutely adorable

Janus carefully put him down and Remus summoned some stuff for him to play with.
"Remus!" Janus cried in shock, pulling the toy out of Virgils mouth. "No! You can not give that to a toddler!"
"Why? I love playing with it," Remus asked in confusion.
"You don't give a SEX TOY to a CHILD!" Janus almost screamed. Virgil whined and looked up with a big pouty lip.
"Toy," he whined.
"No, Virgil. I'm sorry, you can't have his toy," Janus said gently, shoving the toy into Remus' hands and pushing him out the door.

"Why?" Virgil pouted.
"It's a bad toy,"

Janus couldn't believe he had to pull a rubber dick from his toddlers mouth. He gave Virgil a few different age appropriate toys and sat on the couch, with his glass of wine amd book. Virgil played at his feet peacefully, telling Janus he was still there with a few little babbles and giggles.

"Papa?" Virgil said, using Janus'pant leg to help him stand up on his chubby little legs.
"Yes?" Janus said with a smile.
"Where bubba?"
"In his room," Janus picked the little boy up and kissed his head, sitting him on his lap. He turned on a show and Virgil watched with great interest.

Janus smiled, loving every second of this. Having Virgil back was amazing. He wanted to hold him forever, keep him close and protect him (but like, in the older brother/father way, not boyfriend way)

Virgil fell asleep in Janus' arms, staying asleep as Janus carried him to his room. Janus set the toddler down on his bed, wondering if he should change him or not, because big Virgil may get mad. But it's a baby...its not like he'll be all perverted or anything. He decided to just change the toddler because he looked uncomfortable and tucked him in bed. He sat beside him and smiled as the little boy snuggled up close.
"Wuv papa," he mumbled. Janus smiled.

The whole next day, they took videos and pictures with baby Virgil. Helping him walk, when they fed him and he made a mess of soft vegetables, and of course Remus took a picture of Virgil playing with the rubber dick.
"Remus! What the fuck! Again?!" Janus cried, prying it from the toddlers hands. Virgil whined and pouted.

"It's funny! We can show he pictures to the others and see how they react, knowing how much Virgil loves dick,"
"You shut you're damn mouth. That is my baby and I do not like you giving him such vile things to play with,"

"Would you rather it be the real thing?" Remus asked. That got him a hard punch in the stomach.
"You talk about my son like that again and I swear to god I will take your tiny ass testicles, rip them off and shove them down your throat,"
"Jeez, man! I was kidding! I would never do that, he's like 2 years old," Remus groaned, doubling over in pain.

"I don't trust you," Janus growled. He scooped Virgil and and went to the couch.

It was late that night when Virgil went back to his normal intimating self. And when he found Janus under him, he screamed.
"Janus! What the fuck?!" He screamed, jumping up.
"Its not what you think!" Janus cried.
"You drugged me, didn't you?! You drugged me, dragged me here and probably did all sorts of weird shit to me!"
"Virgil, I promise you that's not what happened!" Janus insisted. he grabbed Virgils arm and pulled him up.
"Help!" Virgil screamed.
"Shut up!" Janus hissed, covering the others mouth.

"Remus! Get in here!" Janus called.
"Are you gonna punch me again? I didnt mean it! I wasnt actually going to put my di- oh, hey Virgil," Remus said walking out.
"Let go of me!" Virgil fought against him.
"Virgil, just listen," Janus said. Virgil let out an annoyed breath and stopped fighting and crossed his arms.

Remus showed him the pictures.
"Those are old!" Virgil insisted.
"No. These are old," Remus showed the older pictures. Virgil was about a year, Remus was 10.
"You turned into a toddler for some reason. Patton picked you up and you started crying. So he brought you here," Janus explained. "Remus tried to do weird things,"
"I was joking!" Remus growled.
"What did he do?" Virgil asked softly. Remus showed the picture. Virgil went red and kicked him in the shins.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Owwww," Remus groaned.
"Then he asked if I would rather it be the real thing,"

Virgils eyes widened as he kicked Remus again.
"You fucking pervert! I was a damn baby, and you do that?! You're psychotic!" Virgil cried.
"I wasnt actually going to do it, damn! You both are so violent," Remus groaned.
"No, we arent violent. You had it coming to you," Janus said, arms crossed.
"Wait, what did you do to him when he said that?" Janus went a tad red, because he was embarrassed by what he had said.

"He punched me in the stomach and yelled at, saying 'you talk like that about my son ever again and I swear to god I will take your tiny ass testicles and rip them off and shove them down your throat' or soemthing like that,"
"You called me your son?" Virgil muttered.
"You were back to how you were when you were genuinely that age. You called me papa and Remus bubba again,"

Virgil groaned in embarrassment.
"Damn it...I'm going home," Virgil sunk out quickly.

"Patton!!!!" Virgil whined.
"Hey! You're back," Patton smiled.
"Remus did something weird to me," Virgil hugged him.
"What did he do?"
"He gave me a pleasure toy, and since I was a baby I put it in my mouth," he whispered.
"Ewwww," Patton groaned.
"I knoowwwwww. And then he said soemthing that only a pedophile would say,"
"He's gross," Patton said, hugging Virgil again. "I'm never letting you near him again,"

This was fucked up, I'm sorry.
But I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night
Love ya!

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