prinxiety and demus fluff

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The twins had no idea. They were clueless.

"Ok. How should we do this? Janus asked Virgil softly.
"No idea, but we have to make sure no one finds out," Virgil said back.
"We better hurry, Remus and Roman'll get suspicious," Janus said. Virgil nodded and the two went out to the living room.

"Hi daddy," Remus said smiling as he kissed Janus
"I told you not to call me that outside of the bedroom," Janus growled.
"Virgil!!! I'm hungry, can you make something?" Roman whined.
"You're an adult baby. I'm dating an adult baby," Virgil sighed. "But sure, what do you want?"
"Pancakes?" Roman asked, hugging Virgil from behind.

Virgil chuckled and started on the batter, Roman still clung to his back

"Ughhh I hate keeping secrets from them," Janus groaned.
"This isnt a secret. They can't know about this!" Virgil insisted. "So quit your whining,"
"Easy for you to say. Roman won't immediately start stalking you the second he thinks something is up," Janus growled.
"Roman is a jealous little bitch," Virgil said, arms crossed.

"Whatever, let's just do this," Janus said, rolling up his sleeves.

Virgil groaned loudly, sitting on the ground. Sweat dripped down his forehead.
"I'm done, goodnight," Janus said sinking out. Virgil pushed himself up and sunk out.

He took a shower and went to bed, finding his beautiful boyfriend sound asleep. He smiled softly and laid down beside him, snuggling up close to his chest.

Weeks went by. Janus and Virgil met up almost everyday.
"Virgil! Janus! What...what the hell?!" Roman screamed.

"Roman! God, it's not what it looks like!" Vorgil cried, pushing himself up amd shoving Janus aside. "Just listen,"
"You're cheating on, me arent you?! And with my brothers boyfriend, too!" Roman cried as tears fell.
"No! Neither of us are cheating. I fell over and tripped Janus," Virgil said, grabbing Roman's hands. "He fell and caught himself. He went to move right away but you showed up. I'll show you what we've been doing,"

Virgil tugged Roman over and showed him.

The two hadn't been hooking up. They'd been building something. For the twins.
"What...what is this?" Roman asked softly.
"A castle for you and Remus," Janus said softly.
"We've been working for months to build this," Virgil told him. Roman let tears fall.
"God, I'm so sorry Virgil. I just...I saw you guys and," Virgil cut him off by kissing him.
"Go get Remus, no need to apologize," he whispered smiling.

Roman nodded and sunk out, bringing his brother back.
"Woah!" Remus gasped. "This is beautiful!"
"A prince and a duke need a castle to live in," Virgil smiled. Roman squealed and hugged Virgil.
"I wanna look inside!" Remus gasped excitedly.
"There isnt anything inside yet, we havent furnished it," Janus said, smiling as Remus led him by the hand. Virgil chuckled and kissed Roman.
"I would never ever cheat on you, my love," he whispered.

I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night! Love you all so much!!

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