Roman angst

953 27 2

Child rapist
Rape, sexual assault
Fifteen year old stripping and pole dancing
Tell me if I missed any

Remus and Roman played in the front yard, laughing and chasing eachother.

"Hey little boys. Come here, I have something for you," someone said. They both looked up and Roman happily skipped over.
"RoRo," Remus said nervously.
"We dont know him,"

Roamn ignored his twins concerns and walked over.
"Would you like some candy?" He asked smiling.
"Yes please!" Roman asked excitedly. The man held out a small bag of candy that Roman, sweet innocent, only 5, happily took. He ate a lollipop and smiled.
"Tha k you," he said happily. The man held put a hand that Roman took without another thought. Remus, who hated strangers, had run inside to find their mother. The man saw Remus run off and quickly pulled Roman into his van.

"Sit down, cutie," he smiled. Roman sat on the seat, enjoying his candy. Suddenly, it was snatched from his hands and he was yanked into the back of the van. It was blocked by a small curtain.

"Ow, that hurt," Roamn whined. He was pushed down onto his back and stripped. He whimpered in fear, squirming under this strange new man's hold. The van was racing away as Roman's small body was used.

Hours passed. Roman laid sobbing, pain covering his body and he curled up close. He wanted his mom, his dad. His brother. His friends.


Roman was 15 now. Hed been with them for 10 years. Ten years of being raped, touched, kissed and used.

He stood in the middle of the living room, wearing his master's favorite outfit. A very very short sleeveless crop top and panties that had a bit of a skirt.

He danced on the pole, skillful and knowing what he was doing. They made satisfied noises, cheering the teen on. They suddenly both stood, touching him and kissing him, grinding against him

"Masters, please. I'm too sore, please can I have a break," Roamn said softly
"No," they both growled. Roman whimpered and just let it all happen.

He was so sore, tired and upset. He hated this so much. He barely remembered his life before this. Only that he had a brother...he had been playing with him outside when he'd been by these psychopaths.

They left him to do the aftercare shit on his own. He had to do it all alone. He got into the bubble bath then did everything he needed to, before curling up on the couch to sleep.

He woke up when he felt himself being used. He screamed and moaned as he was slammed into.
"M-master! Sir! Stop!" Roman cried.

Roman sobbed as he laid, feeling awful and disgusting.

Luckily, after 10 years, he was sort of trusted. They never locked the door. And since it was very very hot out, the door was actually opened.

So Roman grabbed his shorts, tugged them on. He ran as fast as he could, out the door. He ran through the woods, tripping but managing to keep on his feet.

"Hey! That bitch got out!" He heard one of the men yell. He ran as fast as he could, tears pouring from his eyes.

"Wait...I know this place," he breathed, slowing down after he'd been running a long time. He heard a car and panicked, rushing into the bushes and hiding deep in the forest. He was wearing a red crop top and short jean shorts, white ankle socks and white tennis shoes/runners/sneakers

The truck passed. He was right to be scared. It was his kidnappers. They were looking for him.

Roman knew the place he was. His family had always gone camping around here.

He was walking around and heard voices. One sounded so familiar.
"I cant believe we're doing this without Roman," a voice growled.
"Honey, I know. I know you miss him. But we have to accept that hes gone-" the women cut herself off when Roman made a noise. He gasped and tried to hide.

"Who's there?" A man's voice yelled. Roman heard a gun.
"D-dont shoot! Please! I'm sorry, I was kidnapped a really long time ago. I escaped, I'm just trying to get home!" Roman cried, hands raised and head bowed.

"How long..?"
"Um...l-like 10 years," Roman mumbled.
"Roman?" The teenage boy breathed. Roman looked up and met eyes with him. Bright green eyes, dark brown hair that was always messy and unkempt.

"R-Remus?" Roman choked out in shock. Remus had tears in his eyes as he jumped up, tripping over a rock and hugging his twin tightly.
"Oh my God! My baby!" The twins mother cried, running over and engulfing him in a hug. "Where have you been?!"
"Being used as a sex toy and entertainment," Roman muttered. Remus whined and hugged him tighter, crying into his shoulder. Roman was crying too, hugging his brother tightly.

"We missed you so much. I went inside to get mom and when we came out, you were gone!" Remus sobbed. "How old were you when you lost your virginity?!"
"5...they brought me into their van and raped me," Roamn confessed as he started shaking, sobbing into Remus' chest. Remus held him tightly and refused to let go, both crying. Their mother and father held them both tight and told them it was ok. That everything was better now, they were together.

And they would never be apart again.

I have no idea what inspired this, I'm so sorry you had to read this

But I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night!!
Love you all so much, byee

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