intruality smut/fluff/slight angst

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Abusive relationship
Attempted sexual assualt
Sex, smut
First time, lost of virginity
Remus being a teasing jerk
Cheating??(Patton's technically in a relationship with someone else)
Anxceit and logince mention

"Babe, come here," Pattons boyfriend called from the other room.
"Yeah?" Patton said entering the room. He went red when he saw what the other was wearing, just in his boxers laying on their bed.

"Come here," he said smiling. Patton nervously walked over and sat down, squeaking when he felt the other start touching him, hands on his thighs and moving.

"N-no," Patton mumbled.
"I'm not ready,"
"Of course you are, you're 21. Just have sex with me already, we've been together like 2 years,"
"No. Im not ready," Patton said firmly. His boyfriend growled and grabbed his hand, forcing him down and straddling his hips. Patton squirmed, telling him to stop and get off.

"Its not that big of a deal, just shut up. You'll enjoy it," the boyfriend said rolling his eyes. Patton managed to kick him off and jumped up, fixing his belt as he ran out. He quickly slipped his shoes on, grabbing his phone and keys before running.

He ran to his friends house, knocking loudly as he caught his breath.
"Oh, hey Patton. You ok?" Remus, Pattons bestfriends twin brother and one of his bestfriends, answered the door.
"Is Roman here," Patton said breathing heavily.
"Yeah, he and the others are upstairs," Remus let him inside, a bit worried about the poor boy.

Patton opened Romans bedroom door and saw Logan, Roman's boyfriend, cuddled up with him. Virgil and his boyfriend Janus were snuggling and everyone was watching a movie
"Wow...everyone's here," Patton said softly.
"Oh, hey Patton," Roman said happily.
" didnt think to invite me? I just had to experience one of the most terrifying things of my life! I wouldnt have had to if I were here," Patton turned, slamming the door behind him.

"Patton, what happened?" Remus asked, grabbing Pattons arm. Patton stop, tears falling.
"My boyfriend wanted to have sex. But I wasnt ready. He didnt care and tried to force me," Patton said softly. He was surprised when Remus hugged him. Patton smiled weakly and buried his face in the others chest.
"I'm so sorry that happened. Are you ok?" Remus whispered.
"Yeah. The farthest he got was unbuckle my belt before I kicked him away and bolted," Patton held the other, nuzzling into the warmth of his sweater.

"Why are you upset at my brother?"
"Everyones in his room having a couples movie night. And I don't see why they wouldn't have invited me," Patton stepped back and wiped his eyes and cheeks.
"Its ok, want to stay and hang out with me? I'd rather that then have you go home and have to see that jerk," Remus smiled. Patton couldnt help smile back and nodded.

The two sat on the couch playing video games, Remus letting Patton win. Eventually, they started watching a movie. Patton was falling asleep and laid his head on Remus' shoulder.

Remus put his arm around him and pulled him down so the other was sleeping on his lap.

Roman came down a bit later and found the two, both sound asleep on the couch. He smiled weakly and with the others help, moved the two to the bedroom. They were able to carry Patton no problem but Remus was really heavy.

Patton woke up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar man in the bed next to him. He scrambled to grab his glasses and relaxed when he realized it was just Remus. Remus turned over and smiled at him sleepily.
"You're cute," Remus smiled.
"Shush," Patton blushed.
"No, I'm serious. You're really cute. And funny and sweet, I think I want to sleep with you. Or date and marry, either way," Remus sat up with an most crazy smile.

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