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Orphaned child
Trust issue mentions
Virgil feels responsible for everything that happened
Drive by mention

Virgil laid there every single night. He cried, he talked to them, he watched the stars. Every single night he stayed there. He had no where else to go

"Hey kid, what are you doing by those graves?"
"Staying with my parents,"
"You've been here every night for 2 months. I need to take you to the station,"
"No!" Virgil cried, tears forming. "I domt want to leave them! Theyll take me away, move me far away! I'm staying here, with my parents!"
"Your parents are dead! Accept that and move on!"
"No!" Virgil screamed, grabbing his bag and running, tears pouring from his eyes

As he was running, he ran right into a person. The tall male stumbled slightly and spun around, shocked to see the young boy sitting on the ground crying, sniffling and little hiccups escaping.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?" He asked kneeling down. Virgil shook his head. "My husband always says a hug can help...would you like a hug? Even if I'm just a Stranger on the street?"

Virgil nodded and held the man tight, as if his life depended on it. The man smiled weakly and held the small boy. Virgil was 12, but really short and skinny, pale skin and bags under his eyes from so many sleepless nights 

The man smiled and gently moved away, cupping the boys cheeks in his hands.
"Where are your parents?"
"Dead...they both died 2 months ago," Virgil wiped  his eyes. The man clicked his tongue and thought.
"Come with me, ok? I promise I wont hurt you. My husband will kill me if I dont bring you home with me, he'll demand I go find you," he said in a soothing tone. Usually Virgil never trusted anyone. But this man...something about him made Virgil feel safe.

So he went with the man back to his house. Another man the same age, though quite a bit shorter, was sat on the floor with two toddlers, they looked like twins.

"Hey logie-bear!" The shorter male said happily. "Oh who's this?"
"He ran into me on the street. He's an orphan," The man, logie-bear..? Said softly, setting his bag down. "Come sit,"

Virgil sat nervously. The shorter male insisted on checking for injuries, even though Virgil told him he was fine. Of course, he wasnt. His parents were gone and he was probably next.

"What's your name, kiddo?" The shorter of the two asked, gently combing his hand through Virgils hair. Virgil couldnt help lean into the touch, his eyes closed.
"V-Virgil," he yawned.
"I'm Logan and my husband is Patton," the man who'd helped him said with a gentle smile. Virgil was now laying on Pattons lap, falling asleep

It seemed odd, how quickly he trusted these two. But they hadn't hurt him. Logan didnt yell at him or get upset when Virgil ran into him so suddenly and so hard. Patton seemed so nice, just petting Virgils head and helping him actually have a decent sleep for once.

Virgil woke up in a strange bed, wondering where he was. He heard little tiny footsteps and looked up, seeing the twin toddlers from the day before, watching him and giggling.
"Hello," he said softly. They both giggled and ran into the room, climbing onto the bed.
"I remus!" The one wearing a green and white striped shirt said happily.
"Roman!" The other, wear the same only red and white, said smiling.

"Oh sorry. I was supposed to watch them," a boy said, rushing in. "Names Janus,"
" old are you?"
"10, why?"
"No reason, you're just kinda tall,"
"Nah you're just short," Janus chuckled, picking Remus up and taking Roman's hand. "Dad and papa are waiting by the way, breakfast is almost ready. They guessed your size and have some of my clothes for you there,"

"Oh thanks," Virgil got up and found a large sweater and jeans. He quickly changed, the sweater the perfect size, being about 2 sizes up because big hoodie=happy Virgil

He carefully walked into the kitchen and found Patton at the stove, Logan putting the twins onto some highchair sort of things and Janus grabbing juice and cups.

"Morning kiddo, how did you sleep?" Patton asked with a smile.
"Pretty good...thank you for helping me," Virgil said shyly. Patton smiled wide and ushered him to sit down. Virgil sat on the empty seat beside Janus and Patton served everyone before sitting down himself.

"Thanks dad," Janus said cheerfully as he dug in. Logan leaned over and kissed Pattons cheek, making him giggle. Virgil had never been around a couple like this. He knew his sexuality but his parents didnt really support all that. But they were still amazing parents and he loved them alot.

"You get used to them being all lovey-dovey, dont worry," Janus said with a grin. Virgil shyly ate his food, feeling a bit anxious being in this new place with new people.

"Virgil..." Patton said softly. Virgils head shot up in fear.  "Have you been on your own for 2 months?"
"Yeah...I slept on the grass by my parents graves and had a small bag of stuff. I ate from the leftovers at the funeral home from the funerals. Found it really easy to sneak in, pretend to be sad and eat. Yesturday, the man that owned the place said he needed to take me go the police station, so I ran," Virgil explained to them, before going red. "S-sorry, I shouldn't talk so much,"

Patton reached over and gently held his hand.
"Its ok, kiddo. We just want to know what happened and how you survived all on your own,"
"I'm used to being on my own anyways, my parents often left for work trips and stuff. It wasnt so bad, excect for knowing they're gone....and it's my fault..." Virgil trailed off, staring at his lap.

"I wanted to bake them some cookies...but I got distracted. The kitchen lit on fire and my dad tried to put it out. The smoke made the ceiling crushed him," Virgil was in tears now, barely hearing what he was even saying. Logan and Pattin were both in shock, listening with lots of curiosity and worry.

"Mom wanted to save him. But her clothes caught and she burned. When they were found and they fire was put out, you almost couldnt recognize them...its all my fault,"

Patton jumped up and hugged Virgil tight. Virgil started crying, holding him back. Janus was shocked, looking at Logan for what to do. Logan gestured for him to go to his room and Janus took the twins away quickly.

"Its not your fault, ok? You made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. You shouldn't be carrying this weight, you didnt kill them. Ok?" Patton held him close and felt Virgil nod. Patton kept the boy in his arms, not letting him go until Virgil tried to pull away.

"Sorry kiddo...when we adopted Janus, he had been through something similar. He was 7 and had been the only survivor of a drive by. His parents were shot and protected him. We had to show him it wasnt his fault, and we will do it with you. Ok? Nothing that happened was your fault. It was their choice to do that. I'm just so glad you're ok,"

Virgil started crying more violently, hugging Patton again. Logan smiled weakly and Patton pulled him over.

"Virgil!!! Get your pathetic ass up! Dad and papa have a surprise for you!" Janus yelled. 17 year old Virgil groaned and rolled put of bed, yawning and grumbling some swears to Janus as he went to the kitchen.

He was shocked to find the kitchen and dining room decorated really pretty and a cake on the counter.

"Happy birthday!!" Logan and Patton sang, each holding one of the 6 year old twins.

"Happy birthday big brother!" Remus said happily.
"We love you!" Roman giggled. Virgil smiled and hugged his parents and brothers.

"Thank you so much," he smiled. Janus(14, almost 15) chuckled, sitting on the counter.
"Awww the emos smiling," he teased.
"Oh shut up," Virgil flicked his head and Janus laughed harder.

"Let's eat cake!!" Patton said cheerfully, distracting the older boys.
"Yay!!!" The twins cried

Virgil smiled. He knew it. He was home. He was safe

I hope you enjoyed and just ignore the weird ending
Have a wonderful day/night! Love you all so much, bye!!

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