"no fucking way?!" dixie screams running towards me. i engulf her in a huge hug as we rock back and fourth. soon enough the entire living room piles into our hug almost knocking us over"alright." i groan, "i'm being suffocated."
"keep jadens angel in tact." bryce yells and jaden smacks him
"bro." jaden looks at him
"you can't tell me i'm wrong." bryce shrugs
i roll my eyes and laugh at bryce, "so briar welcome to california." josh says, "enjoy your stay at casa sway."
"thank you." i smile nervously
"we're glad you're here." bryce nudges me
i nod to him and he hugs me again, "bitch i can't believe you're here." dixie says to me. she's next to charli with a huge smile on her face
"are you really here?" charli asks, "or am i dreaming?"
"i'm here." i laugh
"i can't believe you hid that from me too." dixie playfully hits me, "i thought you were supposed to be in new york."
"i lied. i pout
"no shit." charli chuckles
"can i steal her for a sec?" jaden creeps up behind me
"as long as you bring her back in one piece." dixie winks
"of course." jaden nods
he grabs my hand and i look back at dixie and she's holding a thumbs up mouth "kiss him." i roll my eyes and laugh at her, "i was gonna take you up to my room so you can get settled."
"why thank you." i grin, "such a gentleman."
"i try." he shrugs
jaden leads me into a large bedroom with led lights and two beds and a gaming table, "it's not much." he shrugs, "you can sleep in my bed and i'll sleep on the couch."
"absolutely not." i smile at him, "you sleep in your bed, i don't mind."
he smiles at me and abruptly hugs me, "i'm so happy you're here."
"me too." i smile at him
"make yourself at home." he pulls away, "bathrooms there."
"thank you." i say
"i think we're planning on swimming, so if you wanna change and come hang out you can." he says scratching the back of his neck
i nod and he reaches in his closet to get a pair of trunks, "you can go first." he says
"i'll just be a second." i say
"take your time." he says
i change quickly into a tiny black bikini with a triangle top and a string bottom and i throw my hair in a messy bun so it doesn't get wet. i open the door to see jaden in a pair of black swimming trunks too, "we had the same idea." he throws his arm over my shoulder leading me out to the pool

Fanfictionin which a girl writes a song about her mental health and a toxic relationship. the song goes viral and the hype is passed on to her