jaden hossler woke up in his king sized bed with the most beautiful girl ,in his eyes, laying next to him. she turned over facing him, laying on his toned stomach, and the boy swore his heart melted into a puddle right then and there.
today was a big day for jaden. today he was going to ask briar to be his girlfriend. he's been planning this for two weeks, ever since they confessed their feelings towards eachother two weeks ago. his plan is to get briar out of the house with mads, addison and bryce to go shopping. then him, josh and griffin are heading to tiffany and company to pick up a necklace jaden has engraved for briar, saying the words, "the night we met, 6/5/20, love jae"
jaden carefully lifts the sheets from his shirtless body and wraps them around briar, tiptoeing into the cold bathroom. he undresses starting a warm shower letting the heat run over his skin. he finishes getting ready and gets dressed, into a shadowhill sweatshirt down and a pair of black short shorts. he carefully puts on a pair of off white jordans making sure not to crease them.
he moves quietly around sway house trying not to wake anyone who's asleep. he creeps down the stairs to get his keys. he's getting dunkin doughnuts for briar and him to start off their day.
"morning jaden." bryce yawns
"did you go to sleep at all last night?" jaden whispers and bryce shakes his head, "want some coffee?"
"yeah." bryce grins, "thanks man."
"same order?" jaden asks
"add six shots of expresso this time." bryce sighs, "long night editing."
"uh okay." jaden shuts the door
jaden unlocks his car driving out of the driveway towards the nearest dunkin doughnuts, downtown. while briar tossed and turned in jadens comfortable bed. her eyes fluttered reaching for jaden but widened when she realized he wasn't there. she was sure he didn't go far. briar got up, put one of jadens hoodies on and black shorts, and throws her hair in a messy bun. she walks down the stairs of sway house to see bryce sitting at the kitchen table.