"i'm nervous." jaden looks at the eager girl. she hasn't seen her family in months, while jaden has never met briars family."don't be." the girl reassures him, "i promise my brother only looks intimidating for a second."
jaden swallows hard grabbing his suitcase, "there they are!" briar points to a woman with dark brown hair and blonde highlights. she stood about 5'9 and had these bright blue eyes. her lips were obviously filled lightly and her outfit spoke "trendy mom". beside her stood a stocky man who was tall, 6'4 maybe. his shoulders were broad and his chest was puffed, he definitely went through military school.
briar runs to her family leaving jaden trailing behind her like a lost puppy. briar smiles at jaden, "mom, evan, this is my boyfriend jaden." she says, "jaden this is my mom and older brother evan."
"i've heard so many good things about you jaden." ms vanderbilt shakes the young mans hand, "all good things obvi." she smiles, "my names angelica."
"nice to meet you." jaden shakes her hand, "i'm jaden."
he turns to the intimidating man, who grins slightly, "evan." he holds his hand out and jaden hesitatly shakes it, "i'm her annoying older brother."
"jaden." he says, "nice to meet you all."
"nice to meet you." evan responds
"come on." angelica waves to them, "i bet you all are hungry."
"starving." briar answers, "we haven't ate since this morning."
"then let's go out." angelica nods, "my treat."
"oh you don't have to do that." jaden shakes his head
"no no." angelica smiles, "you're our guest for the week."
"well thank you." jaden scratches his head
"i told you they're not that bad." briar whispers in his ear grabbing the boys hand heading towards angelica's suv
"table for four?" a bulky waiter at the local applebee's calls
briar, jaden, evan and angelica follow the waiter to a booth near the back of the restaurant. of course people stated at the family, since jaden hossler and briar vanderbilt were together, in his girlfriends home town. the only thing missing is fletcher, the hollywood fix reporter.
"enjoy your meal." the waiter smiles setting down two menus on each side of the table
"thank you." angelica smiles setting her expensive purse down beside her
"how've you all been?" briar looks at her mom and brother
"the youth group has been a blessing." angelica sets her hands down on the table, "they've raised so much money for the annual mission trip to zimbabwe."
"jadens mom is an inspirational speaker." briar says
"really? is that so." angelica smiles, "i'd love to meet her, eventually." she says

Fanfictionin which a girl writes a song about her mental health and a toxic relationship. the song goes viral and the hype is passed on to her