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"alejandro!" briar engulfs the slightly taller boy in her arms, "i've missed you." she smiles pinching his cheeks

"stop you're acting like my abuelita." he groans

"yo ale." jaden dabs him up, "nice to see you."

"you too bro." alejandro returns the gesture, "come in. come in." he holds the door open for the couple, "nano has been asking where you've been."

"how's my little meno?" briar asks

"soccer practice." alejandro shrugs, "he's been playing a lot."

jaden looks at them confused, "my little brother, emiliano." alejandro says

"oh." jaden raises his eyebrows

"so so." alejandro smiles, "how's la?"

"ale you would love it." the girl flops on the younger boys bed, "you need to come out there. i know you're friends with josh."

"fosho dude." jaden says, "we'd love to have you at sway."

"for real?" alejandro asks

"hell yeah man." jaden smiles

the three shared stories like they had been best friends forever. briar wished she could go back before mattia and her dated. she missed the chemistry the friend group had, but now it's ruined because her first love cheated on her.

it's crazy how much ones life can change in a matter of weeks or even days. life was so perfect before lauren. before lauren had to ruin her life. before mattia had to offer her cocaine at the first party she went to freshman year. briars life was filled with hatred. hatred towards her father for leaving so early in life. her brother for acting out and leaving her all alone. her mother for letting drugs get the best of her and spending a year of her life away in a rehab center and on the streets. and hatred for herself. for letting herself get pushed around like a little bitch.

"how's school been?" briar asks alejandro

"boring without you." he sighs, "i haven't been talking to anyone because everyone's siding with mattia."

"everyone knows?" briar asks

"briar come on." alejandro chuckles, "everyone knew before you." he says, "you found out on tiktok room. everyone else found out on lauren's private story."

"and now she's in la." briar sighs leaning back on jaden. he starts playing with her hair trying to braid it

"she won't do anything." alejandro says, "she's too much of a pussy." boy was he wrong

"how's jenna, taylor and vic." briar asks and ale immediately blushes at vics name, "still like her?" she asks

he nods, "they're good." he says, "i just sit with them at lunch."

they continue to talk about music, school and sway house. jaden raves on and on about how alejandro should come stay at sway house and consider being a member. ale would be a addition to sway house since he can handle his alcohol and he's kind of a party animal.

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