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@briarv apologies for my fuckery ;)
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@jadenhossler god this is going on my dashboard of my car
| | @briarv be my husband
| | @jadenhossler yes 😘
@dixiedamelio i swear u don't even have to try to look beautiful
| | @briarv dixie 🥺
@brycehall slay the game ma'am
| | @briarv never say that again
@joshrichards cute black and white photo
| | @briarv ur cute black and white photo
| | @joshrichards it's mine ?!?!
@charlidamelio i'm speechless
| | @briarv kiss me
@madslewis HOLY WOW
| | @briarv mads marry me
@petedavidson stop growing up :(
| | @briarv ur not my dad ! ugli ah 😁
@nickiminaj juice would've loved you 🥺
| | @briarv he's such an inspiration to me
@user wow 😍
@user she's utterly stunning
@user i wish i looked like her
@user imagine being briar vanderbilt
@user oh so she's famous famous
@user she's an angel
@user i love this outfit
@thekidlaroi 😍😍😍
| | @briarv charlton stop before i kiss u
@lilskies ❤️🦋❤️
| | @briarv miss u ki
@kyliejenner stormi loves this picture !!!
| | @briarv awe i love her !
@allylotti juice would've loved ur music . thank you for always speaking so kindly of him , i know he would've loved you as well . keep grinding kid , u have an amazing talent :)
| | @briarv i'm crying this is incredible , much love xoxo
| | @briarv ry im crying
@madimonroe BRO WHAT
| | @briarv IK
@devyyy making me question my sexuality
| | @briarv as i should tbh
@laurenkettering ur unbelievable 😍
@briarv liked this comment
@user imagine juice wrlds gf commenting on ur post
@riconasty so this is who everyone's talking abt , ma'am i may be in love with u
| | @briarv i'm sobbing i love u
@_emmachamberlain don't ditch us when u win an grammy
| | @briarv i'll try ;)
@brycehallsmomma this ones on the fridge too !!
| | @briarv miss u sm 🥺
@heididamelio ur glowing honey
| | @briarv i love u heidi :)
@oliviarichards wow ur gorgeous
| | @briarv says u !!
@nessabarrett 😍😍😍
@briarv liked this comment
@user i love that song
@user ur amazing
@user she's so inspiring
@malikbrown i swear imma wife u up one day mama
| | @author oh god no , this is gonna be bad
@user pass us the looks pls
| | @briarv stop guys 🥺🥺
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an : hi lovies !!! another chapter today :) i hope u all enjoy . oh btw i'm sorry for what happens in the next chapter lol