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@briaroseverafterhigh just woke up to see i'm not cancelled anymore 😸
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@bakedjadn so happy for u
| | @briaroseverafterhigh hey thanks it's about time :)
| | @briaroseverafterhigh but bryce u r cancelled
@dixsea how's it feel being "problematic"
| | @briaroseverafterhigh reckless
@badbitchaddisonrae u look beautiful in this
| | @briaroseverafterhigh addi 🥺
@barleydamelio cute bedroom , wonder who's it is ???
| | @briaroseverafterhigh okay whatever this is from like two weeks ago
@defnotjosh where's ur bruises bri
| | @briaroseverafterhigh old pic josh
@cynthiamarker bare face angel
| | @briaroseverafterhigh 😘😘😘
@wannaberockstar cool vibes
| | @briaroseverafterhigh thanks q
@chickengirlmads i wanna be u so bad
| | @briaroseverafterhigh um i could say the same about you
@user the way everyone switched up on u
| | @briaroseverafterhigh everyone finally realized lauren miller is a psychopath
@user cute earrings
@user where's the star light from ???
@user fuck lauren miller 2020
@user lauren miller is a bitch
@user fuck lauren and olivia
@user did they actually jump u ???
| | @briaroseverafterhigh pretty much just lauren . olivia just stood there lmao while my face was shoved into the concrete and she held a pocket knife to my neck :)
@petedavidson y'all finna make briar turn the comments off !!!
| | @briaroseverafterhigh i'm limiting them 😭😭😭
@alabamabarker pretty sissy boo
| | @briaroseverafterhigh miss u bama boo
@lilpapiclowngirl okay queen
| | @briaroseverafterhigh LOVE U VANI BABE
| | @briaroseverafterhigh miss u me in twenty years