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„ - Pooh! - whispered Piglet.
- Yes, Piglet? - said Pooh.
- Oh, nothing, - said Piglet - I was just making sure of you.”
~ Pooh and Piglet

"Let's build a sandcastle!"

"Let's get away from here!"

"No!" Roger protested. Making Brian roll his eyes for a hundtreth time this day. They were coming back to the exit from the beach where they came in. Roger's motorbike was parked there on the nearby parking lot.

"Please." Brian sighed watching Roger shake his head. Yes, he was the one who proposed going for a walk by the seaside, but then Roger wanted to go further and further. In the end, they went around three kilometers in one direction, came back to the orientation point and went three kilometers in the other direction and were now coming back.

"Brian you don't understand! It's a beautiful day so we should enjoy it as much as we can!" the blond looked at his feet getting washed over with the water that hit the seaside. Brian wanted to push him into the water, but instead just made a annoyed face.

"Of course we should enjoy it but we are walking like third hour now!" he moaned in a voice of a man who just ran thirty kilometers. Roger looked at his wrist, but there was no watch, so he tugged Brian's hand to check the time. The curly haired didn't care at that moment. He just wanted to go home.

"Oh shit, it's really three hours now." Roger let out a breathy laugh. "It's almost two pm." he said and looked up to meet Brian's pleading eyes under a furrowed brows. "How about we'll go eat some lunch?"

"Oh thank God-"

"After we build a sandcastle?" Roger put on his best smile. Brian's face dropped.

"Will you stop getting my hopes high and then ruining it?" he teared his arm out of Roger's hands and shook it a bit to place a watch how he liked it.

"Oh, when have I done that?" the blond cocked his eyebrow up, which resulted in being pushed further into the water by Brian.

"Piss off." he muttered and breathed in and out, trying to show how tired he is of that beach.

"Alright, no sandcastles today. But don't think I gave that idea up! We're gonna build one of those one day." Roger put a strand of hair behind his ear, but the little effor to fix his hair went to waste when Brian wrapped his arms around Roger's waste and picked him up from behind, hugging him close to his chest. Roger screeched and started throwing his hands and legs around. Apparently nor that nor the backpack Roger had on his back was a problem for Brian, who also swirled around.

But nothing was perfect in their world.

Brian didn't stand his foot right and the sand slipped away, making him fall to the ground with Roger still squeezed to his chest and stomach. They landed on their sides, hitting their heads against the ground so the sand was back in their hair.

Strangely, none of them stood up and started making a fuss. They laid there, sand blowing into Roger's face only, because Brian's face was hidden behind Roger. Brian had his arms still around Roger's waist and didn't know whether to move his arms or stay still. Then a thought came to his head.

"You'd do a nice little spoon." he brang Roger closer to him. The latter smiled widely.

"You'd do a nice big spoon." Roger shifted his head and that was Brian's time to smile.

They would surely lay there longer but a wave came, wetting their legs and and shorts a bit. The water wasn't that cold, but coming so suddenly still got them jumping in shock.

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